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Kretschmer criticizes EU Commission's boycott against Hungary

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban irritates EU allies with trips to Moscow and China. The EU Commission reacts with a boycott. The Minister-President of Saxony finds this inappropriate.

According to Kretschmer, the EU Commission's boycott has something schoolmasterly (archive image).
According to Kretschmer, the EU Commission's boycott has something schoolmasterly (archive image).

Diplomacy - Kretschmer criticizes EU Commission's boycott against Hungary

Sachsen's Ministerpresident Michael Kretschmer criticized EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's decision to boycott planned meetings under the leadership of the Hungarian EU presidency in Hungary. "One can have differing opinions on the success prospects of talks with Viktor Orban," wrote the CDU politician on the platform X. "However, every effort to maintain peace in Europe is worth taking seriously." The EU Commission's boycott was described as "petty" by Kretschmer. "This is not how one behaves in a union of equal states."

Decision in response to Orban

Von der Leyen's boycott decision was a reaction to the unilateral actions of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the Ukraine policy. The German top politician announced that only high-ranking officials, not Commissioners or Commissioners, would participate in future informal ministerial meetings under the current EU-presidency in Hungary. In addition, the EU Commission waived the traditional visit to the Hungarian presidency, as a spokesperson announced.

Background of von der Leyen's decision

Von der Leyen's boycott decision was a response to Orban's unsanctioned foreign trip to Moscow just a few days after the beginning of the Hungarian EU presidency. He met with Russian President Vladimir Putin there and presented it as a "peace mission" to resolve the Ukraine conflict. Later, he also traveled to Beijing for a conversation with Chinese State and Party Chief Xi Jinping and to the USA for a meeting with former US President Donald Trump.

  1. Michael Kretschmer, the Ministerpresident of Saxony, expressed his disapproval towards Ursula von der Leyen's decision to boycott meetings led by Hungary's EU presidency in Hungary, as he believes every attempt to maintain peace in Europe should be taken seriously.
  2. Von der Leyen's boycott decision was instigated as a response to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's unilateral actions in Ukraine's policy.
  3. Kretschmer labeled the EU Commission's boycott as "petty," arguing that such behavior is not suited for a union of equal states.
  4. As a consequence of Orban's actions, only high-ranking officials will participate in future informal ministerial meetings under the current EU presidency in Hungary, while Commissioners and Commissioners will not attend.
  5. The traditional visit to the Hungarian presidency by the EU Commission was also waived, as announced by a spokesperson.
  6. Viktor Orban's unsanctioned trip to Moscow just a few days into the Hungarian EU presidency was a major factor behind Von der Leyen's decision to boycott.
  7. During his trip, Orban met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, presenting it as a "peace mission" to resolve the ongoing Ukraine conflict.
  8. Orban also traveled to Beijing and held a conversation with Chinese State and Party Chief Xi Jinping, and later, he made a trip to the USA to meet former US President Donald Trump.
  9. The EU's CDU politicians, including Kretschmer, face a challenging international relationship due to this escalating conflict and the divergent views on diplomacy in handling Russia.

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