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Kirchner: Other factions are bending democracy

The interaction among each other in the parliament in Saxony-Anhalt is a recurring theme. The AfD state parliament fraction feels excluded and criticizes their competitors.

Speaks of a 'democraciesimulation' in the state parliament: AfD-Co-Faction Leader Oliver Kirchner.
Speaks of a 'democraciesimulation' in the state parliament: AfD-Co-Faction Leader Oliver Kirchner.

State Parliament - Kirchner: Other factions are bending democracy

The AfD faction accuses political rivals of applying different standards in the Landtag of Sachsen-Anhalt. "The other factions in this parliament are bending their democracy to suit their needs," said AfD co-faction leader Oliver Kirchner to the German Press Agency. "One could almost speak of a 'democracy simulation' here. For example, our committee chairman was dismissed due to a trivial matter. A vice president, as the parliamentary rules actually provide for, has been denied us for over two and a half years."

At the beginning of the year, the Landtag dismissed the AfD politician Ulrich Siegmund as chairman of the Social Committee due to his participation in a meeting of radical right-wing circles in Potsdam. In the parliament, the AfD attempts to elect a vice president in nearly every session. All candidates have fallen in this legislative period. Several factions have repeatedly made it clear that they do not want to elect an AfD candidate.

In Sachsen-Anhalt, the AfD is classified as reliably extremist by the Constitutional Protection. The Constitutional Protection Agency evaluated numerous racist, anti-Muslim, and also anti-Semitic statements by functionaries and mandate holders.

The often heated atmosphere in the parliament is mainly attributed to the AfD by other factions. "We have a certain coarsening of language. The plenary is not there to conduct class warfare," said CDU faction leader Guido Heuer.

Currently, discussions are taking place in the Landtag about the introduction of an order money to better sanction derailments. "It's not about a Lex AfD. All these things we are discussing affect everyone," said SPD faction chair Katja Pähle.

  1. The German Press Agency reported the allegations made by the AfD faction in the Saxony-Anhalt State Parliament, accusing their political rivals of applying different standards.
  2. The Constitutional Protection Agency in Saxony-Anhalt categorizes the AfD as reliably extremist, having evaluated numerous racist, anti-Muslim, and anti-Semitic statements from its functionaries and mandate holders.
  3. Oliver Kirchner, the co-faction leader of the AfD in the Saxony-Anhalt Landtag, believes that the other factions in the parliament are bending democracy to suit their needs, citing the dismissal of their committee chairman and the denial of a vice president for over two and a half years.
  4. The AfD faction in the parliament has been attempting to elect a vice president in nearly every session, but all candidates have fallen short in this legislative period due to opposition from several factions.
  5. Discussions are currently underway in the Landtag about the introduction of an order money to better sanction derailments, with SPD faction chair Katja Pähle emphasizing that these measures are not intended to be a 'Lex AfD', affecting everyone in the political spectrum.

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