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Kind plays with ball - Woman bites mother nearly finger off

A woman is reported to have bitten a 46-year-old man deeply during an argument - the finger may need to be amputated. The cause of the attack is related to a ball.

During a fight between two women, a 46-year-old is injured on the finger.
During a fight between two women, a 46-year-old is injured on the finger.

Criminality - Kind plays with ball - Woman bites mother nearly finger off

A child was playing with a ball, when a Woman allegedly injured the child's mother in a fight in Berlin-Reinickendorf. The 47-year-old suspected assailant is said to have pulled several handfuls of hair from the mother's head and bitten her little finger on the left hand, according to the police. This finger was reportedly almost completely severed.

Rescue services took the injured 46-year-old woman to a hospital. It was reported that a part of her little finger was amputated there. Two policewomen off duty, who happened to be on site, held the 47-year-old until further police arrived.

According to a police spokeswoman, the child's play with the ball had so enraged the other woman that a fight ensued, and the physical attack followed.

The suspected assailant was taken to a psychiatric ward of a hospital. The reason for the fight was initially unclear.

Ms. Smith, a witness at the scene, stated that the altercation took place near the Berlin Wall Memorial. Despite the criminal actions, the mother showed immense courage and resilience during the incident.

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