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Kielmansegg gives command of "Gorch Fock"

After two years, the soldiers on the German sailing school ship get a new commander. He has already gained experience on board.

Kielmansegg gives the command over the "Gorch Fock" (archive photo)
Kielmansegg gives the command over the "Gorch Fock" (archive photo)

New Commander - Kielmansegg gives command of "Gorch Fock"

After two years as commander, Captain at Sea Andreas-Peter Graf von Kielmansegg (57) leaves the German sailing training ship "Gorch Fock". The commander of the Marineschule Mürwik, Flottillenadmiral Jens Nemeyer, hands over responsibility on Thursday (10.00 am) to his successor Elmar Bornkessel, as announced by the Marine in advance.

The 48-year-old Frigate Captain Bornkessel was previously active in the area of the Marineoperationsschule. The native of Nordhessen served as Decks-, Sails- and Divisions officer on board the three-masted ship from 2001 to 2004. From 2014 to 2016, he was the First Officer and representative of the commander on board the "Gorch Fock", from 2018 to 2021 commander of the crew on the frigates "Sachsen-Anhalt" and "Nordrhein-Westfalen".

Bornkessel takes over command

"I am particularly looking forward to taking command of the 'Gorch Fock'", Bornkessel quoted in a statement. "On the one hand, it is a great honor, associated with anticipation, but certainly I also have respect for the task that is being handed over to me." The command change takes place at the Marine base Kiel-Wik.

"Since my predecessor successfully brought the ship out of the dockyard and back into service, it was an exciting task to continue this path", said Kielmansegg. The time with the crew brought him great joy. "With this joy and gratitude towards the crew, on which I could always rely, I look back on the time as commander of the 'Gorch Fock'."

Kielmansegg starts his next duty post at the Marinekommando in Rostock.

Bornkessel will continue to lead the sailing school ship "Gorch Fock" in Schleswig-Holstein, as he was previously the First Officer and representative of the commander on board the ship. The German Defense Ministry has appointed Bornkessel as the new commanding officer, succeeding Captain at Sea Andreas-Peter Graf von Kielmansegg. The "Gorch Fock" is a significant symbol of Germany's maritime and naval traditions, serving as a training vessel for future officers in the German Maritime Academy.

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