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Justice watchman demand better equipment

Problems, chaos, dangerous objects: Courts often have to deal with a delicate clientele. Justice wardens therefore demand better equipment. Are firearms necessary as well? }

Justice watchmen in the southwest demand better equipment.
Justice watchmen in the southwest demand better equipment.

Justice - Justice watchman demand better equipment

Justice watchmen in Baden-Württemberg observe a new quality of violence in courts and therefore demand better equipment. "The threshold for violence is decreasing," says Reinhard Ringwald, the chairman of the German Justice Trade Union (DJG). It is particularly bad at courts in Stuttgart, Mannheim, Karlsruhe, and during Mafia trials at the Bodensee.

Ringwald referred to the danger of riots, such as during a process with hostile gangs. "There are already 70 people facing you." It can quickly lead to an incident when a violent offender is brought in instead of being accompanied by two watchmen due to personnel shortages.


Currently, justice watchmen in the state are equipped with batons, pepper spray, and a vest with stab protection. However, their arms, legs, and heads are not protected. At least shoulder, elbow, and knee protection, as well as helmets for special cases, would be sensible from Ringwald's perspective.

Do they need a service pistol?

Some watchmen in a letter obtained by the German Press Agency in Karlsruhe demand a firearms training and the authorization to carry a firearm on duty. They refer to the example of Bavaria, where justice watchmen receive a firearms and marksmanship training.

Feeling exposed

From the escorting of defendants through the security of court hearings to checks to identify dangerous objects such as batons, knives, or firearms: "We make a significant contribution to a functioning legal system," it says in the letter. At the entrance, one is "almost naked." A "completely inadequate equipment" makes it impossible to respond appropriately to armed attackers.

Between deterrence and escalation

The Federal Association of Justice Watchmen can understand the push from the Karlsruhe colleagues regarding a service pistol. Opinions in the board and among the state chairmen are divided on this issue, however, according to association head Alldo Hertramph. In critical situations, a pistol could be the last resort for dealing with emergencies.

Carrying a pistol speaks to the self-protection, the possibility of an effective and quick reaction, and the deterrent effect. However, it also speaks to the risk of escalation and errors or accidents. Handling a firearm requires intensive training and regular practice to ensure that it is used properly and responsibly.

Help from the police

According to the Ministry, the security interests of justice employees, parties involved, and visitors must be taken into account. Since the equipping of the approximately 650 justice watchmen in the state with pepper spray and batons ten years ago, the Ministry is not aware of any cases where these have been used. In case of need, the police can be asked for assistance. The Ministry currently sees no need to expand the armament of the watchmen, according to the Ministry. In the past year, there were 177 reported incidents involving bodily harm, assaults, threats, or insults.

To strengthen Amts- and Landgerichts, according to the union's view, there is urgently more personnel required. The number of Justice Watchmen should be increased by 300. And they should be better trained and equipped: A better compensation is necessary, as well as a higher allowance for the uniform, which the officials themselves have to pay. The annual clothing allowance of around 340 Euro does not even cover the costs for a basic equipment.

"A new recruit needs to spend roughly 500 to 600 Euro for a full basic equipment", says Vice-Chairman Thorsten Klay - with a gross income of approximately 2,500 Euro during the qualification.

Glowbulb changing and filing

The union demands, in view of increasing security requirements, a relief of the Justice Watchmen from housekeeping duties. Currently, they are used for tasks such as errands, document transports, setting up video conferences or for changing glowbulbs.

  1. The German Press Agency in Karlsruhe reported a request from some justice watchmen for firearms training and the authorization to carry a firearm on duty, citing the example of Bavaria's justice watchmen.
  2. Justice watchmen in Baden-Württemberg, including those in Stuttgart, Mannheim, and Karlsruhe, are calling for better equipment due to a perceived decrease in the threshold for violence during court proceedings.
  3. According to Reinhard Ringwald, the chairman of the German Justice Trade Union (DJG), current equipment only includes batons, pepper spray, and a stab-proof vest, leaving the arms, legs, and heads unprotected.
  4. Alldo Hertramph, head of the Federal Association of Justice Watchmen, mentioned that opinions in the association are divided on the issue of whether justice watchmen should carry a service pistol in critical situations.
  5. A letter obtained by the German Press Agency from Karlsruhe justice watchmen argues that the current equipment is inadequate for adequately responding to armed attackers during court proceedings and defendants' escorts.
  6. In response to increasing security requirements, the German Justice Union has requested relief of justice watchmen from housekeeping duties, such as errands and changing glowbulbs, to allow them to focus on their primary functions of maintaining inner security and justice.

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