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Judgment in the Hamburg 'Reichsbürger' trial expected

Alleged Reichsbürger planned a coup. In a Hamburg trial, a 66-year-old admits his involvement and distances himself at the same time. Now follows the judgment.

A verdict is expected in the proceedings against a suspected German citizen before the Hanseatic...
A verdict is expected in the proceedings against a suspected German citizen before the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court

Extremism - Judgment in the Hamburg 'Reichsbürger' trial expected

In the trial of a man accused of being part of a so-called Reichsbürger uprising group at the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg's State Protection Senate in Hamburg today (11:00 AM), a verdict is expected. A 66-year-old man from the area around Bad Bramstedt in Schleswig-Holstein is on trial.

He is charged with supporting a terrorist organization and helping to prepare a high-treason act, as well as weapons law violations. The prosecution has requested a sentence of two years and ten months, while the defense argues for no more than two years.

According to the indictment, the man joined the so-called Kaiserreichsgruppe at the beginning of 2022. This group aimed to establish an authoritarian government system in Germany modeled after the constitution of the German Empire of 1871.

At the start of the trial in late May, the 66-year-old admitted the accusations. However, he later distanced himself from the plans and attempted to inform the Constitutional Protection Agency of this, he said.

  1. The alleged extremist's actions have raised concerns within the State Security Senate of Germany, leading to the process in the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg's State Protection Senate.
  2. The Revolution and Upheaval Plan of the Kaiserreichsgruppe in Schleswig-Holstein near Bad Bramstedt has been met with strong opposition from the German government, including in the city of Hamburg.
  3. Despite his initial confession, the man's ultimatum to inform the Constitutional Protection Agency about the group's plans has yet to bring forth any significant judgments or changes in the ongoing court process.
  4. The trial's outcome could have significant implications for future investigations and convictions related to extremism and terrorism in regions like Schleswig-Holstein, especially in cities like Hamburg.
  5. Support for terrorist organizations and preparation of high-treason acts have been classified as severe threats to Germany's internal security and order, making processes like this court case crucial in upholding the country's stability.

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