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Jewish monuments covered in blue color

A blue color has been poured onto a memorial stone and an information panel. They are meant to remind of the Jewish deportation to France. The city of Pforzheim filed a report.

The police must investigate: Who defaced the Jewish memorials with blue paint?
The police must investigate: Who defaced the Jewish memorials with blue paint?

State security - Jewish monuments covered in blue color

Unknown individuals have covered a memorial stone and an information plaque in Pforzheim, according to police reports, with blue paint over the weekend. The memorial stone and the accompanying information plaque near the former main freight station are meant to commemorate the deportation of Jews to Gurs (France). The city stated that the paint was removed by the city's technical services.

Pforzheim's Mayor Peter Boch also commented on the matter: "Defacing a memorial site is disgraceful and repulsive. I am at a loss for words." The city has filed a report with the authorities. Criminal police and State Protection are now investigating.

The memorial stone and plaque in Pforzheim, located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, were targeted by acts of vandalism. The incident occurred near the city's former main freight station, a site with historical connections to the deportation of Jews to Gurs, France during a tragic period of Germany's past. The act of painting over the memorial is considered a form of criminality under modern German laws. The city's Jewish community has expressed concern and disappointment, calling for increased vigilance and respect for such memorials, which serve as powerful reminders of the past.

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