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Jewelry heist - Hat been lost at the scene

The man attempts to conceal his identity with a hat and head covering. But he loses the hat during the act.

A masked man is reported to have robbed a jeweler (icon)
A masked man is reported to have robbed a jeweler (icon)

Suspect accused - Jewelry heist - Hat been lost at the scene

Disguised with Peruke and a muff cap on his head, as well as a bouquet of flowers in his hand, a man is suspected of robbing a jewelry store in Berlin and making off with around 15,000 Euros worth of loot. The prosecutor's office is charging him with particularly serious robbery and grievous bodily harm. They claim the 41-year-old is a repeat offender.

According to the prosecutor's office, on October 14, 2023, he allegedly robbed a business in Wilmersdorf with an unknown accomplice. During the robbery, he reportedly threatened an employee with a firearm and later struck them with the gun's grip. The perpetrators were able to escape initially unnoticed with jewelry and cash. However, the muff cap was left at the crime scene, which the 41-year-old is said to have worn. The DNA on the sweatband was reportedly that of the suspect. He was arrested in April for this reason.

The man was already sentenced to three and a half years in prison by the Berlin Regional Court in May for robbing another jewelry store with the same method. The judgment is not yet legally binding, according to the prosecutor's office. The suspected robber is currently in investigative detention following the robberies.

  1. The crime scene of the recent jewelry store robbery in Berlin, where around 15,000 Euros worth of jewelry was stolen, was where the suspect's discarded muff cap was found.
  2. Despite wearing a wig and carrying a bouquet of flowers, the prosecutor's office was able to identify the suspect from the DNA found on the sweatband of the muff cap left at the crime scene.
  3. The jewelry store robbery in Wilmersdorf, resulting in grievous bodily harm to an employee, is one of the charges the 41-year-old suspect is facing in Berlin's prosecutor's office.
  4. The suspect, who has a history of jewelry store robberies in Berlin, was arrested in April and is currently being held in investigative detention, awaiting trials for his criminal activities.

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