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Japanese corporation plans large data center in Nierstein

On the terrain of a former US base, a data center of notable capacity is to be built. However, it is still a long way until then.}

The requirement for computing power is increasing, also due to the growing use of Artificial...
The requirement for computing power is increasing, also due to the growing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - for this, powerful computing centers (data centers) are needed.

Information Technology - Japanese corporation plans large data center in Nierstein

The Japanese telecommunications conglomerate Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) plans to build a large data center in Nierstein, Rhineland-Hesse. This data center is expected to be built in the coming years on the site of a former US base, known as the Rhein-Selz-Park. Preliminary planning is underway, as announced by NTT Data in Frankfurt, specializing in IT services. If everything goes as planned, the first milestones of the concept for the data center campus could be presented in the fourth quarter of this year.

The project is still in its early stages, emphasized NTT Data. In collaboration with the city of Nierstein and the Rhein-Selz community, a construction permit procedure has been initiated. However, it may still take some time until building regulations are in place. The amount of electricity available at the planned site is still unclear, which is crucial for determining the guaranteed IT performance that customers can be offered.

Plans for the entire area

NTT Data is interested in the entire 70-hectare area of the Rhein-Selz Park. If all obstacles are removed, the data center campus is expected to gradually emerge, with the first building potentially going online at the end of this decade. NTT Data aims to provide a secure IT service in the three-digit Megawatt range in the future, according to its own statements. This would make Nierstein NTT Data's largest site in Germany and one of the larger ones worldwide.

The exact amount of investment the company intends to make in Rhineland-Hesse is unknown. It could amount to a billion euros when considering investments in other high-performance data centers. Jobs could be created in Nierstein in the thousands.

Near the Frankfurt Internet node point

NTT Data is one of the major providers of data centers, operating over 150 centers in more than 20 countries. Most of these are so-called colocation data centers, meaning that a building with power supply, cooling, and other necessary infrastructure is rented out to customers under the promise of a certain IT performance. The actual interior of the buildings, such as servers, is then brought in by the respective customer.

NTT Data has data centers in Germany in the Frankfurt area, where there is one of the world's largest Internet node points, De-Cix, as well as in Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, and Bonn. The NTT Group as a whole has over 330,000 employees worldwide.

  1. The proposed data center by NTT in Nierstein, Rhineland-Palatinate, is strategically located near the Frankfurt Internet node point, making it beneficial for connecting to the global Internet.
  2. The Rhineland-Palatinate Computing Center could potentially benefit from the IT services provided by NTT Data, contributing to Germany's growing Information Technology sector.
  3. If successful, the data center in Nierstein could potentially provide a significant amount of secure and high-performance computing power, making it one of the largest sites for NTT Data in Germany and globally.
  4. The energy requirements for the massive data center planned in Nierstein remain a critical consideration, as Japan, known for its advanced Energy sector, may need to collaborate to ensure sustainable and reliable energy supply.
  5. With the construction of the data center, NTT is expected to create thousands of job opportunities in Nierstein, contributing to the local economy in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

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