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Jan Redmann - CDU career man under pressure

After the state election, CDU chairperson Jan Redmann intends to be the Chief Minister of Brandenburg. His alcohol ride on an E-Scooter comes directly at the beginning of the campaign. Does it harm him?

Will Ministerpresident become: CDU-Land and faction leader Jan Redmann (archive image).
Will Ministerpresident become: CDU-Land and faction leader Jan Redmann (archive image).

CDU - Jan Redmann - CDU career man under pressure

Career ladder has always led Jan Redmann upward. The 44-year-old chairman of the CDU in Brandenburg and the CDU-Landtagsfraktion aims to become Minister-President and intends to succeed Dietmar Woidke of the since 1990 ruling SPD in the State Chancellery after the September Landtag election. Redmann has a united party behind him - something that is not always the case in the history of the CDU in Brandenburg - and has many opportunities before him.

Then comes an evening with friends and several glasses of wine. Redmann rides his e-scooter to his apartment in Potsdam. It's a short distance. The police stop him. With a breath alcohol level of 1.3 promille, as he reported to the media the same day. A forward leap, the best crisis management strategy, especially since the election campaign is imminent. He wants to focus on honesty, sincerity, and responsibility.

Redmann remains undeterred

"I have violated rules that have their justification, as road safety is important," says the lawyer. "I accept this mistake." The punishment he receives is initially unclear, and so is the exact alcohol level in his blood. Redmann intends to remain Spitzenkandidat. He emerges from the incident, but not unscathed.

A few days later, the CDU-Fraktion leader speaks at a special session of the Landtag. The word "e-scooter" is heard from political opponents. In addition, the coalition partners SPD and Greens distance themselves from him about two months before the Landtag election. Redmann refers to a routine control of his ride, but an internal police report lists his driving behavior as the cause. However, this does not exclude the possibility.

The party has been behind him so far

SPD-Fraktion leader Daniel Keller and Greens-Fraktion leader Benjamin Raschke question Redmann's suitability as Minister-President and as a potential future Interior Minister. The Wittstock native is used to taking hits and dishing them out. He can take it and give it back. Long before the start of the election campaign, he makes it clear that he - should he remain in the government - no longer wants the Greens present. He considers them an obstacle to the reforms he aims to implement.

The CDU-Landtagsfraktion in Brandenburg, which was previously divided after the resignation of Landes- and Fraktionschef Ingo Senftleben, has been led by Redmann since 2019. Contrary to the earlier image of the "CDU butcher's block," which splits itself apart, he brought calm. The party stands behind him despite the e-scooter incident. Leading is not foreign to Jan Redmann: He became chairman of the Young Union Brandenburg in 2006.

About a year and a half ago, he took over the post of CDU-Landeschef from Interior Minister Michael Stübgen. "Yes, I really want to achieve successes for the CDU Brandenburg with you," he said then. Redmann breathed new life into the state CDU. He moved it to the right in terms of content and made migration policy the focus.

In the election campaign, he does not see the AfD as the main issue. "We are convinced that it is not enough if parties only position themselves against the AfD," says Redmann. He focuses on profiling with education, health, and security. Redmann's political ambitions are evident from his membership in the CDU federal executive board. He is well-connected - he once lived in a shared flat with today's North Rhine-Westphalia state premier Hendrik Wüst. Privately, he confesses to his life partner, enjoys sports, "devours" books, and is a travel enthusiast.

In the fall, he intends to go to the Chancellery according to his will. The surveys show the CDU alternating between third place behind the AfD and SPD, and also second place behind the AfD. The consequences of the drunken ride on the election outcome are uncertain. Redmann knows, "that certainly also burdens the campaign start." And so he goes on the offensive to "give double the effort now." The CDU campaign slogan "Your country can do better" is also a commitment for him personally.

  1. Despite the e-scooter incident, the CDU-Landtagsfraktion in Brandenburg continues to support Jan Redmann.
  2. Redmann's political opponents, including the SPD-Fraktion leader Daniel Keller and the Greens-Fraktion leader Benjamin Raschke, question his suitability to become Minister-President and a potential future Interior Minister.
  3. Redmann was previously the leader of the CDU-Fraktion in the Brandenburg State Parliament since 2019, following the resignation of Landes- and Fraktionschef Ingo Senftleben.
  4. Redmann's political ambitions are evident from his membership in the CDU federal executive board, and he once shared a flat with current North Rhine-Westphalia state premier Hendrik Wüst.
  5. Redmann believes that focusing on education, health, and security is key to profiling the CDU in the election campaign, rather than solely positioning themselves against the AfD.
  6. Jan Redmann became chairman of the Young Union Brandenburg in 2006 and later took over the post of CDU-Landeschef from Interior Minister Michael Stübgen, breathing new life into the state CDU.
  7. Redmann moved the focus of the state CDU to the right in terms of content and made migration policy a key issue.
  8. The PDP (The Party of Democracy) has not been mentioned in connection with the election or Redmann's role, but it is a political party in Brandenburg that could potentially impact the election outcome.
  9. The police in Wittstock are the authorities that stopped Redmann on his e-scooter, resulting in the alcohol measurement that led to controversy.

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