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Jagdschaft: Wildcamera catches young wolves in Wolfsburg

Wolves have been a notable topic in Lower Saxony for some time. Now, Wolfsburg is supposed to have a premiere.

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Animals - Jagdschaft: Wildcamera catches young wolves in Wolfsburg

First wolf pack in Wolfsburg? - Chance encounters of a wildlife camera excite local experts on site. The recordings from Wednesday morning, according to Ralph Schröder, the chairman of the Wolfsburg Hunting Association, show three young pups. For the city area, this is definitely the first time wolves have been confirmed. Several media report on the youngsters.

Schröder assumes that the pups are between three and four months old. In his opinion, the den cannot be far from the location of the photo recordings. The Hunting Association considers this an important sign that a pack may have settled in Wolfsburg. Schröder does not reveal the exact location where the recordings were taken to protect the animals.

Wolves are strictly protected

A suspected sheep kill at Neindorf in the southern part of Wolfsburg has not been too far away, Schröder said. At the beginning of the week, the "Wolfsburger Nachrichten" reported on dead Heidschnucken that were likely taken over the weekend. DNA tests should reportedly still confirm this suspicion.

Wolves are strictly protected under nature conservation law. Only in exceptional cases can authorities grant a capture or shooting permit. Sightings should still be reported to the National Park Administration.

According to the Lower Saxony Hunting Association, there were 56 wolf territories identified in the spring. By the end of 2023, there were reportedly 50 wolf packs, four wolf pairs, and two wolves that lived permanently in Lower Saxony. Three years ago, there were only 35 packs.

  1. The discovery of a wolf pack in Wolfsburg has sparked interest among nature enthusiasts in Lower Saxony, particularly after a 'wildcamera' captured three young pups.
  2. agricultural activities in the area may have to adapt to the presence of the wolf pack, as conflicts between wolves and livestock can sometimes arise.
  3. The Wildcamera footage has further strengthened the belief within the Wolfsburg Hunting Association that the environment in the city is suitable for the establishment of a wolf league.
  4. The presence of wolves in Wolfsburg raises important questions about the balance between conservation efforts and the concerns of farmers and local communities, as the protection of these animals under nature conservation law continues.

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