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Italian police catch two fugitive mafiosi

At parties and in the supermarket

The Italian police have succeeded in arresting two convicted but fugitive mafiosi. (symbolic image)
The Italian police have succeeded in arresting two convicted but fugitive mafiosi. (symbolic image)

Italian police catch two fugitive mafiosi

Gaetano A., convicted of drug trafficking, is one of the most dangerous wanted criminals in Italy. After 18 months on the run, the police are now able to arrest him at a party. Another mafioso is spotted in a supermarket.

Italian police have arrested two wanted mafiosi at a party and in a supermarket. The 31-year-old Gaetano A., who was sentenced to ten years in prison 18 months ago for drug trafficking and was on the Ministry of the Interior's list of the "hundred most dangerous fugitives", was arrested at a party in Naples, according to the police. Another mafioso was caught while shopping in a supermarket.

A. was considered a powerful member of a mafia clan from the notorious Scampia district on the outskirts of Naples. However, he had disappeared like "a ghost" for a year and a half and evaded arrest, the police explained. Investigators then discovered that he had been invited to a party in a block of council apartments on Wednesday evening. According to the police, around 250 officers surrounded the entire block so that "nobody could get in or out". The officers then stormed the party.

The wanted man "had to leave his friends and relatives shortly after the cake had been cut", said the police, describing the successful arrest. Meanwhile, in Torvaianica, a coastal town south of Rome, police arrested a 52-year-old man who had been sentenced to more than 20 years in prison in November for mafia connections as well as arms and drug trafficking.

The man from Lecce in south-eastern Italy was "spotted shopping in a supermarket in the Lazio region and immediately arrested", the police said. The man had been a leading figure in organized crime on the Salento peninsula in Apulia several years ago.

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