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IT-issues affect corporations in Bavaria

Global IT issues also affect large Bavarian corporations. Several reported being affected upon inquiry.

The alliance was affected by worldwide IT issues as well.
The alliance was affected by worldwide IT issues as well.

computer problems - IT-issues affect corporations in Bavaria

Large Bavarian corporations, including Allianz, Siemens, and BMW, have been affected by global Computer problems. Allianz, Siemens, and BMW confirmed this upon request. Some systems are already back up and running, but Allianz stated in the late morning that they are currently experiencing a larger outage that affects employees logging onto their computers, specifically Windows logins. The cause was referred to their provider CrowdStrike, and the spokesperson emphasized that other companies were also affected. The priority is to quickly resolve the issue and minimize the impact on our customers and business operations, the spokesperson explained.

BMW was also not spared: "Our production sites were partially affected by the current software issue," a spokesperson said. "The issue could be quickly resolved, allowing our worldwide factories to operate again."

Siemens stated that they, like other Microsoft customers, were also affected and were working on solutions. Some of the affected systems have already been restored. "We have had established emergency plans in place for a long time," this will now be implemented, a spokesperson stressed. However, they could not yet say whether production processes were affected.

The global computer problems have extended beyond major corporations in Bavaria, affecting not only Allianz and Siemens but also BMW, with their production sites experiencing partial disruptions. Munich, being a significant hub for the German technology and automobile industry, has been impacted by this widespread issue. The computer problem experienced by these companies is linked to their use of Windows logins, as mentioned by Allianz's spokesperson.

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