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IT-issue affects Tegut - Frankfurt airport to some extent

A software error is spreading globally and is also noticeable in Hessen. At Frankfurt Airport, some flights are cancelled.

The global IT glitch caused partial computer problems in Hesse (illustration image)
The global IT glitch caused partial computer problems in Hesse (illustration image)

Global computer malfunction - IT-issue affects Tegut - Frankfurt airport to some extent

Global Computer outage also affected Hesse as well. The grocery retailer Tegut with headquarters in eastern Fulda temporarily closed all 340 stores in Germany due to malfunctioning cash register systems, as the company announced. According to Tegut, there was a "widespread technical problem within the global outage caused by a software update from an IT service provider". By noon, systems were working again in more than half of the markets and the stores were open.

Impact on air traffic

At the largest German airport in Frankfurt, IT systems, unlike at many other airports, were not affected by the outage. "Fraport systems at Frankfurt Airport are running," a spokesperson for airport operator Fraport told the German Press Agency. However, the effects of the global outage were noticeable. Thirty flights were cancelled before the afternoon. Some airlines may have been affected accordingly.

Flights to and from Berlin, where the airport was temporarily shut down due to the outage, experienced several cancellations. According to the spokesperson, there could also be delays for US flights. "We recommend checking flight status and contacting the airline."

The IT systems of Lufthansa were only slightly affected, according to a spokesperson. This affected bookings, not the ongoing operation. Holiday airline Condor reported restrictions in booking and check-in. Initial flight disruptions were not reported.

The Hessian state administration and control rooms were not affected, according to the Interior Ministry.

Software update failure

A faulty software update caused global disruptions in the morning. Those affected included airlines, hospitals, and authorities. According to the Federal Interior Ministry, the cause was apparently a faulty update of the IT security system named "Falcon Sensor" from the manufacturer Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike confirmed the error and declared it fixed by midday. With the concentration in the software industry, it happens regularly that numerous companies are affected by problems of individual providers.

  1. Despite the global computer outage affecting Germany, Fraport's systems at Frankfurt Airport, including air traffic, remained unaffected.
  2. The software update failure led to disruptions at various airports worldwide, including Frankfurt Airport's neighbor, Berlin's airport.
  3. In Hesse, several authorities, such as the state administration and control rooms, were fortunate enough to avoid the impact of the software failure.
  4. Frankfurt am Main's Frankfurt Airport, operated by Fraport, successfully managed the situation, preventing any significant air traffic interference or cancellations.
  5. The IT systems of major airlines like Lufthansa and Condor experienced minor hiccups, impacting bookings for Lufthansa and check-in processes for Condor.
  6. The city of Fulda, located in Hesse, was not directly affected by the software failure, but the nearby grocery retailer Tegut faced issues due to the global outage.
  7. The faulty software update from Crowdstrike's IT security system named "Falcon Sensor" brought significant challenges to numerous companies worldwide, including airlines, hospitals, and authorities.

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