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Islamist association banned - Searches also in Hessen

Faeser, the German Federal Interior Minister, has banned a nationwide active association in the fight against Islamism. Searches were carried out by police in Hessen as well.

Covert police officers search the Blue Mosque in Hamburg.
Covert police officers search the Blue Mosque in Hamburg.

Raids - Islamist association banned - Searches also in Hessen

After the ban of the nationwide operating Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) in Hamburg, three objects were searched by the police in Frankfurt am Main and Bad Homburg, as Hessian Interior Minister Roman Poseck (CDU) announced. It concerns the headquarters of the Islamic Cultural Center Frankfurt e.V. and the living quarters of two association chairs.

More than 80 officers were deployed.

The Frankfurt association is said to be subordinate, bound by instructions and financially and personnel dependent on IZH. According to the Interior Ministry, 83 officers were involved in Hesse. In addition to the search and investigation measures, two bank accounts were affected.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) had banned the IZH because, according to her ministry's assessment, it propagated the establishment of an authoritarian-Islamic rule. It disseminated the ideology of the so-called "Islamic Revolution" in Germany in an aggressively militant manner, according to a statement.

Raids took place, among other places, at the so-called Blue Mosque in Hamburg. According to the Federal Interior Ministry, a total of 53 objects were searched in Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Bavaria.

"Offensive and dangerous antisemitic propaganda"

The ban is a clear sign of the resolute action of the rule of law, Poseck stated. "These associations act in accordance with the Iranian state doctrine. They reject our liberal democratic basic order and our free and open society." This form of Islamism does not belong to Germany, confirmed the Minister.

The banned associations disseminated offensive and dangerous antisemitic propaganda. "Our value system and our historical responsibility obligate us to protect Jewish life."

  1. The searches in Frankfurt am Main and Bad Homburg were carried out by the police, as announced by Hessian Interior Minister Roman Poseck, following the ban of the Islamic Center Hamburg in Hamburg.
  2. The headquarters of the Islamic Cultural Center Frankfurt e.V. and the living quarters of two association chairs were among the three objects that were searched.
  3. According to the Interior Ministry, over 80 officers were involved in the search and investigation measures in Hesse, with two bank accounts also being affected.
  4. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser had banned the Islamic Center Hamburg due to its propagation of the establishment of an authoritarian-Islamic rule in Germany, disseminating the ideology of the "Islamic Revolution" aggressively and militantly.
  5. Raids took place at the so-called Blue Mosque in Hamburg, with a total of 53 objects being searched in Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Bavaria.
  6. The banned associations were said to be in line with the Iranian state doctrine and rejected Germany's liberal democratic basic order and free and open society.
  7. The Minister confirmed that this form of Islamism does not belong in Germany, as the banned associations had been disseminating offensive and dangerous antisemitic propaganda, a clear violation of Germany's value system and historical responsibility to protect Jewish life.

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