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IS supporter shows no remorse and receives maximum sentence

After the Duisburg massacre

No remorse in court: "They can judge what they want and how they want. That's just life here
No remorse in court: "They can judge what they want and how they want. That's just life here in this world."

IS supporter shows no remorse and receives maximum sentence

In April, several knife attacks shook the city of Duisburg. Now the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court sentences a 27-year-old Islamist to life imprisonment for murder and attempted murder. According to his testimony, he wanted to die "as a martyr". And: "I wanted to kill as many people as possible."

Eight months after the murderous knife attacks in Duisburg, a confessed Islamist has received the maximum sentence. The Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court sentenced the 27-year-old to life imprisonment for murder and four counts of attempted murder. The court also established the particular gravity of his guilt, which practically rules out his release after a minimum term of 15 years. It also imposed preventive detention.

The Syrian showed no remorse, no compassion and had announced further crimes, a representative of the federal prosecutor's office had said. He had followed the Islamic State terrorist group's slogan of turning the entire world into a theater of war. The confessed Islamist had first killed a 35-year-old man on the street in Duisburg at night on April 9 with at least 28 stab wounds. Nine days later, he stabbed and seriously injured four visitors in a Duisburg gym.

"I wanted to kill as many people as possible", he had confessed and: "I wanted to commit even more acts until I was killed so that I would die a martyr."

The defendant's indifference was shocking for the victims and their families, the joint plaintiffs' representatives had said. The defense attorney had not filed a motion: "My client did not speak to me. I was able to slow him down on the first day, but then he made a statement that went beyond the content of the indictment."

The 27-year-old took the floor again on Monday: "They can judge what they want and how they want. That's just life here in this world. We hope that God will bring us to paradise," he said. He showed no reaction to the sentencing on Tuesday.

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The 27-year-old's actions were in line with the tactics of the Islamic State, advocating for global conflict. The international community condemns such terrorist attacks and supports the pursuit of justice, leading to the maximum sentence for the perpetrator.


