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Investigators accused nurses of attempted murder - Imprisonment

For several days, it has been known that a serious suspicion exists against a caregiver who worked at a clinic in Würselen. The police have now continued their investigation and arrested him.

Investigators accused a nurse of attempted homicides - and arrested him. (Image)
Investigators accused a nurse of attempted homicides - and arrested him. (Image)

Criminality - Investigators accused nurses of attempted murder - Imprisonment

Due to allegedly multiple attempted Murder offenses, the police have arrested a former nurse at a hospital in Würselen. According to extensive investigations and a large number of witness interviews, a warrant was issued for the 43-year-old man, as stated by the Prosecutor's Office and Police Aachen on a Wednesday. The man is now in custody.

The man is accused of "multiple attempted murder offenses during his nursing duties," according to the statement. Further details could not be disclosed at this time. The investigations are ongoing, the authorities announced. It remained unclear at first how many cases were involved.

Employed at the Palliative Care Station until early May 2024

The German man, according to the statements, had been employed for several years - and until early May 2024 - at the Palliative Care Station of a hospital in Würselen. Over the weekend, the Prosecutor's Office had announced that there was a suspicion against him. At that time, he had not yet been taken into custody for investigation.

The affected Rhein-Maas-Hospital stated to the "Aachener Zeitung" that the employee had been released.

The suspicion against the former nurse at the Rhein-Maas-Hospital in Würselen was initially announced by the Prosecutor's Office over the weekend. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Aachen, along with the local police, are currently investigating numerous instances of alleged Homicide related to the nurse's duties. The man, who was employed at the hospital's Palliative Care Station until early May 2024, is currently in custody due to these serious charges. The criminality is being investigated in the context of North Rhine-Westphalia, where the hospital is located.

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