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Investigations against AfD-state legislators initiated

The Hannover Public Prosecutor's Office opened investigations against an AfD state legislator some months ago. They have now been discontinued.

The investigations against Queckemeyer have been instigated by the public prosecutor (Archival...
The investigations against Queckemeyer have been instigated by the public prosecutor (Archival image)

State parliament - Investigations against AfD-state legislators initiated

The Hannover Public Prosecutor's Office, according to the AfD state faction, has discontinued investigations against their deputy Marcel Queckemeyer due to threats. A spokesperson for the Public Prosecutor's Office confirmed to dpa inquiry that the investigations against an AfD state deputy had already been discontinued in June for legal reasons.

It could not be definitively determined which choice of words was used at that time, they said. In the past December, Queckemeyer admitted in the Landtag under heavy criticism that he had verbally attacked two Green faction politicians.

The determination of the AfD state faction to support Queckemeyer was evident, despite the discontinued investigations. The Prosecutor's Office Hannover's decision to stop the case against Queckemeyer sparked controversy in Lower Saxony's State parliament. The Public Prosecutor's Office is under scrutiny for their handling of justice matters related to Queckemeyer in Hannover.

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