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Interior Minister Ebling holds the end of EM controls to be right

Rhineland-Palatinate borders three other states. The SPD interior minister speaks out against the end of border controls introduced for the Football EURO. Regarding the topic of migration, he sees things differently.

The Rhineland-Palatinate Interior Minister Michael Ebling considers the end of border controls with...
The Rhineland-Palatinate Interior Minister Michael Ebling considers the end of border controls with France and the Benelux countries after the Football EM right.

Border controls - Interior Minister Ebling holds the end of EM controls to be right

The Rhineland-Palatinate Interior Minister, Michael Ebling, supports the end of the border controls introduced for the Football European Championship. "Here in Rhineland-Palatinate, we live the European Union," said the SPD politician in an interview with the German Press Agency in Mainz. The state borders France, Luxembourg, and Belgium.

SPD Interior Minister Nancy Faeser's plan to continue temporary controls at the German borders with Austria, Switzerland, Czechia, and Poland is opposed by Ebling. He considers it meaningful to control migration movements more strongly, order and reduce illegal migration. "This has proven effective, especially in terms of combating human trafficking."

Ebling: Europe lives from open internal borders, but must regulate migration

"The increased security interest was justified by the European Championship and had a deterrent effect," said Ebling about the controls at the borders with France and the Benelux countries. Some individuals with arrest warrants were also arrested. "However, from a fundamental perspective, Europe lives from open internal borders." This must function. "Naturally, there will also be controls on the French side again when the Olympics in Paris begin their approach."

The issue of border controls towards Eastern Europe stands in contrast to the Directive for a Common European Asylum System (GEAS) for the paradigm shift in German asylum policy clearly initiated. "This fundamentally changes our migration policy," emphasized Ebling. The implementation of the GEAS Directive into national law requires the amendment of ten laws, regulations, and directives on the federal level in the coming weeks. "This is one of the main levers to steer migration differently, to come to asylum procedures at the EU external borders instead."

Ebling: A missed opportunity in the campaign for the EU Parliament

The missing control levers for migration are now urgently necessary when speaking with the municipalities. "When I speak with the municipalities today, it is still one of the main topics that the ideas go out about where accommodations and integration in schools and kindergartens can still be provided." This also includes the federally announced acceleration of asylum procedures and the deportation of persistent foreigners to countries like Afghanistan, which was not possible before.

Disappointed, Ebling expressed himself about the topics in the campaign for the EU Parliament. It had given no substantial message despite many topics, such as a common defense idea. "That was a missed opportunity," lamented Ebling. "Very many people have a positive image of the European idea."

  1. Michael Ebling, the SPD Interior Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, believes that Europe should regulate migration while maintaining open internal borders.
  2. Ebling stated that the European Union, including historically significant countries like Germany (Historically, France), thrives on open internal borders.
  3. The temporary border controls at Germany's borders with Austria, Switzerland, Czechia, and Poland, proposed by SPD's Nancy Faeser, are opposed by Ebling.
  4. According to Ebling, strengthening migration control and reducing illegal migration has proven effective in combating human trafficking.
  5. During the Football European Championship, increased security at Germany's borders with France and the Benelux countries had a deterrent effect and led to the arrest of individuals with arrest warrants.
  6. However, Ebling emphasized the importance of open internal borders and their functioning, with controls to return when the Olympics in Paris draw near.
  7. The GEAS Directive for a Common European Asylum System, which aims to shift German asylum policy, requires amendments to ten federal laws, regulations, and directives in the coming weeks.
  8. Ebling lamented the missed opportunity to provide substantial messages on crucial topics during the campaign for the EU Parliament, despite covering many themes.
  9. The lack of control levers for migration is a pressing concern for Ebling when engaging with municipalities, particularly regarding accommodation and integration.
  10. Ebling praised the positive image of the European idea, expressing disappointment that the campaign for the EU Parliament did not deliver a more substantial message on the topic.

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