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Interior Minister: Debate about AfD strengthens democratic resilience

The Constitution Protection Agency also targets the AfD in Rhineland-Palatinate. There is no moderate wing left in the party, according to the Interior Minister.

For Michael Ebling, the interior minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, there is no moderate wing left...
For Michael Ebling, the interior minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, there is no moderate wing left in the Rhineland-Palatinate AfD (Archive photo)

Constitution Protection - Interior Minister: Debate about AfD strengthens democratic resilience

Interior Minister Michael Ebling (SPD) described the ongoing public debate about the increasing radicalization of the AfD in Rhineland-Palatinate as a success for democratic resilience. Activities and the frequency of meetings with the far-right scene have significantly decreased due to this, said the Interior Minister to the German Press Agency in Mainz. The public discussion about the Center Rheinhessen has led to the fact that there is currently no comparable center for the networking of right-wing extremist activists and the AfD in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Center Rheinhessen in Focus

The Center Rheinhessen had developed into a central location for the networking of the AfD, "Junge Alternative," and actors of the "New Right" according to Interior Minister's statements. The Youth Organization of the AfD "Junge Alternative" is classified as reliably right-wing extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. At an event, openly Nazi symbols and the Hitler salute were displayed. The Public Prosecutor's Office Koblenz then initiated investigations. The Constitutional Protection Office in Rhineland-Palatinate is also monitoring the Center.

In Mainz, the AfD district associations Mainz and Mainz-Bingen, as well as the party's regional office, had their seat in the Center Rheinhessen. After the building was banned for use by the city of Mainz, the association looked for a new location in the Mainz-Bingen district. The AfD state executive criticized the city's decision sharply.

Judgment from the Higher Administrative Court in Munster helps Constitutional Protection

The merging of the AfD and extremist forces is not denied by anyone in the party, reported Ebling. "There is probably no moderate wing in the AfD of Rhineland-Palatinate. The party has a clear tendency to radicalize further." The judgment of the Higher Administrative Court Munster, according to which the designation of the AfD as a right-wing extremist suspicion case by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is correct, helps significantly in the work of the security authorities. The AfD is also monitored by the Constitutional Protection in Rhineland-Palatinate.

The court has strengthened the Constitutional Protection in its early warning function in its detailed written reasoning. This means that monitoring is possible even in an early stage such as the suspicion case processing, explained the Interior Minister. "That's why we can use intelligence agency methods quite clearly."

  1. The focus on the radicalization within the AfD in Rhineland-Palatinate has led to a significant decrease in their activities and meetings with far-right groups, according to Interior Minister Michael Ebling.
  2. The term 'Center Rheinhessen' has gained attention due to its role as a hub for networking between the AfD, 'Junge Alternative', and the 'New Right'.
  3. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies the Youth Organization of the AfD 'Junge Alternative' as reliably right-wing extremist.
  4. The decision by the city of Mainz to ban the use of the Center Rheinhessen building led to the AfD district associations in Mainz and Mainz-Bingen, as well as the party's regional office, seeking a new location.
  5. The judgment from the Higher Administrative Court in Münster, translating to Mainz in English, has strengthened the Constitutional Protection's early warning function, allowing for monitoring in the suspicion case processing stage.
  6. The Constitutional Protection in Rhineland-Palatinate, along with the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, is closely monitoring the activities of the AfD due to the party's tendency to radicalize further.
  7. The 'Junge Alternative' was involved in an event where openly Nazi symbols and the Hitler salute were displayed, leading to investigations by the Public Prosecutor's Office Koblenz.
  8. Michael Ebling, from the SPD Party, believes that there is probably no moderate wing within the Rhineland-Palatinate branch of the AfD, and that the party consistently leans towards extremism.

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