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Insecticide has been banned since 2013: French poison themselves in the fight against bedbugs

France has been hit by a plague of bedbugs. However, dozens of people have already been poisoned with sometimes dangerous insecticides in the fight against them.

Two antennae, six legs and a flat body: this is what a bed bug looks like up
Two antennae, six legs and a flat body: this is what a bed bug looks like up

Bedbug plague in France - Insecticide has been banned since 2013: French poison themselves in the fight against bedbugs

In the fight against the increased spread of bedbugs in France, the authorities have warned against the use of banned insecticides and the risk of poisoning. A toxic product (Sniper 1000 EC DDVP), which has been banned since 2013, is still being found in stores and online retailers during inspections, the French authority for food safety, environmental protection and occupational health and safety (ANSES) announced in Paris on Tuesday.

Between January 2018 and June 2023, 206 people were affected by poisoning. The authority issued an urgent warning about the product, which can be toxic if touched or swallowed and even fatal if inhaled.

In the summer, there was a great deal of excitement in France about the spread of bedbugs. People increasingly reported the presence of alleged or actual bedbugs from trains, cinemas and other places - often accompanied by photos of the parasites.

Bedbugs in France: dozens of people suffer from poisoning

According to the ANSES authority, the spread of bedbugs in France has increased in recent years. Between 2017 and 2022, an estimated eleven percent of all French households were affected by bedbugs.

In Germany, too, bedbugs, which had virtually disappeared decades ago, are once again an issue, partly due to the high level of travel. The bugs suck blood and live in inhabited enclosed spaces. They hide in beds, furniture joints or cracks, for example.

According to the French authorities, bedbugs are now resistant to practically all over-the-counter insecticides. Physical control is more promising, by tackling the parasites with extreme heat such as steam or extreme cold, for example by freezing affected clothing. Otherwise, professional help from an exterminator is advisable.

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Despite the ban on certain insecticides since 2013, individuals in France continue to purchase banned products like Sniper 1000 EC DDVP for bedbug control, posing a risk of poisoning. Unfortunately, reports of bedbug infestations in public places such as trains and cinemas have escalated in recent summers in France.




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