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Industry wants exceptions to the night-time ban on trucks at the Brenner Pass

More speed for the Brenner Base Tunnel? Business associations from Bavaria, Tyrol and South Tyrol are concerned about shortcomings in the planning of the project. They have an idea for earlier completion.

The Brenner highway - here the Europe Bridge - is of crucial importance for the transportation of...
The Brenner highway - here the Europe Bridge - is of crucial importance for the transportation of goods between Germany and Italy. (archive picture)

Transportation - Industry wants exceptions to the night-time ban on trucks at the Brenner Pass

The economy in Bavaria, Tyrol, and South Tyrol is concerned about the transport of goods over and under the Brenner Pass. In a joint statement, the Association of Bavarian Industry (vbw) and their counterparts in Tyrol and South Tyrol are demanding more progress in the entry lanes for the Brenner Base Tunnel, through which more goods are intended to be transported by rail in the future. In addition, they are calling for immediate easing and criticizing the traffic control in Tyrol.

In particular, on the northern side, there is a shortcoming in the entry to the tunnel. vbw Managing Director Bertram Brossardt expects completion in around 20 years - long after the tunnel itself is finished. To make more progress here, "a timely decision for a concrete route alignment in Germany is needed", he said. Brossardt also urged the Bavarian government and parties to convince people on site. Controversial is, among other things, how exactly the rail line on the German side is to be designed. In addition, all records need to be pulled in the planning and approval procedures "so that the line is completed earlier than is currently expected".

The economic associations are already concerned about the current situation, which is set to worsen with the upcoming sanitation of the Lueg Bridge at the Brenner from next year. In this context, they are demanding further exceptions to the currently valid night driving bans for trucks in Tyrol. Modern trucks with low emissions could have these lifted, the associations propose. In addition, more infrastructure is needed for hydrogen and electric vehicles.

The associations criticized the traffic control and other measures to limit Lkw traffic on the Brenner route. These are a major burden for the economy and are shifting traffic to neighboring countries, they argued.

  1. The concerns about transportation over and under the Brenner Pass also extend to Austria, as foreign trade between Bavaria, Tyrol, and South Tyrol heavily relies on this route.
  2. Bertram Brossardt, the Managing Director of vbw, highlights that the progress in the entry lanes for the Brenner Base Tunnel is crucial for future foreign trade, particularly with Italy.
  3. In Munich, Brossardt emphasized the need for a decisive action on the German side, specifically regarding the route alignment of the rail line, to accelerate the completion of the tunnel entry.
  4. Despite the Associations' calls for prompt action, the exact design of the rail line on the German side remains a contentious issue, potentially adding more years to the completion process.
  5. In the meantime, the economic associations are advocating for exceptions to night driving bans for low-emission trucks and the development of more infrastructure for hydrogen and electric vehicles to mitigate the impact of upcoming obstacles on the Brenner Pass, such as the Lueg Bridge sanitation.
  6. The Associations argue that stringent traffic control measures and limitations on large truck traffic on the Brenner route significantly burden the economy and incentivize cargo diversions to neighboring countries, like Austria.
  7. As the economy in regions like Tyrol, South Tyrol, and Bavaria heavily relies on foreign trade, the transportation improvements and adaptations needed on the Brenner Pass have significant implications for the future railroad industry and associated associations.

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