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In Bavaria, 17,000 trees are examined

In recent years, the Bavarian forests have suffered from drought - has the rainy summer helped them now? The forest condition assessment will bring an answer.

How goes the forest in Bavaria? This can be determined by inspecting 17,000 trees.
How goes the forest in Bavaria? This can be determined by inspecting 17,000 trees.

Forest condition elevation - In Bavaria, 17,000 trees are examined

How is the forest in Bavaria doing? To find this out, the Bavarian Forest Administration will examine approximately 17,000 trees at around 452 inventory points throughout Bavaria in the coming weeks, as the Agriculture Ministry announced. The initial situation is poor: According to the annual forest health inspection in 2023, only around 12% of all forest trees were fully healthy - a historical low.

The consequences of drought and heat have significantly affected the trees in recent years, according to the ministry. This year has been marked by a lot of rain, but also by new heat records. In the spring, there was concern that the early high temperatures could lead to particularly strong beetle infestations.

Within the framework of the forest health inspection, needle and leaf loss of the trees will be recorded, as well as damages caused by insect and fungus infestations or stem injuries. The results will be presented and made public in the autumn at the state parliament.

The climate conditions in Bavaria have been causing significant concern for the forestry sector, with drought and heat taking a toll on tree health in recent years. Despite this year's abundant rainfall, new heat records have been set, raising concerns about potential beetle infestations. The Bavarian Forest Administration, under the auspices of the BMEVL, is conducting a comprehensive forest health inspection in Bavaria's forests, examining nearly 17,000 trees at over 450 inventory points. The findings from this inspection, which highlights the forest condition elevation, will be shared at the state parliament in the autumn, shedding light on the state of Bavaria's forests and their impact on the environment in Munich and beyond.

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