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Hunting association warns of increased danger of wildlife accidents

Caution is required when driving a car - especially at certain times of the day. But what is the reason? And how should one react if an animal suddenly runs onto the street?

Currently, the deer mating season is in progress. Therefore, motorists are advised to drive...
Currently, the deer mating season is in progress. Therefore, motorists are advised to drive carefully.

Wildshift - Hunting association warns of increased danger of wildlife accidents

The Rhineland-Palatinate Hunting Association warns currently of an increased risk for wildlife accidents. The reason for this is the mating season of deer, which lasts from mid-July to mid-August. During the breeding season, roe bucks are reportedly inattentive towards impending dangers such as roads, while they are patrolling their territories. The riskiest times are reportedly the morning and evening hours.

If drivers see wild animals on the road, it is recommended to turn off the headlights, honk, and brake, but never swerve. The speed should always be adjusted to the circumstances to avoid wild accidents. However, if an accident occurs, it is important to inform the police and secure the scene. Injured animals should not be approached. Leaving the accident scene without reporting it can have legal consequences.

According to the German Hunting Association, approximately 14,000 roe deer died in traffic accidents in Rhineland-Palatinate between late March 2022 and early April 2023. Nationwide, the number was around 210,000. Not infrequently, passengers of vehicles also suffer injuries in these accidents and significant damage is caused.

The Hunting Association in Saxony-Anhalt also encourages drivers to be cautious during pairing time, as deer movements can be unpredictable. To mitigate wildlife accidents, the Wildswitch app, which provides real-time alerts about deer on the roads, can be a useful tool. Unfortunately, even with precautions, accidents can still occur, leading to tangible losses in terms of traffic disruption and vehicle damage. It's crucial to remember that departing an accident scene without notifying the authorities is illegal, regardless of the region, be it Rhineland-Palatinate or another.

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