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Hundreds of people benefit from Opportunity Residency Permit

About a year and a half ago, a law on the Residence Act came into force in Germany. People benefited from it nationwide, including in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Some people in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have benefited from the opportunities residence permit.
Some people in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have benefited from the opportunities residence permit.

Migration - Hundreds of people benefit from Opportunity Residency Permit

From the chance-residency law that has been in effect for approximately one and a half years in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, hundreds of people have benefited. By the end of May, around 850 people were present in the northeast with the corresponding residence permit, according to information provided by the Interior Ministry in Schwerin to the German Press Agency.

By the end of 2023, approximately 1,300 applications were submitted in the northeast. According to a spokesperson for the ministry, reasons for rejections are not statistically recorded. If requirements are not met, applications must be rejected by the responsible foreigners authority.

Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD) stated: "Foreigners are given a perspective and the chance to really integrate into our society with this law. And we can rely on them as labor forces that we urgently need."

Nationwide, more than 50,000 people received a residence permit

The law on the chance-residency right came into force in Germany on December 31, 2022. It offers well-integrated foreigners, who have lived in the country for several years without secure status, a perspective.

Anyone who lived in the country by October 31, 2022, for at least five years and was not sentenced for a deliberate criminal offense, is given 18 months to meet the requirements for a long-term residence. This includes German language skills and the securing of one's own livelihood. Exceptions are criminals and people who repeatedly made false statements about their identity to prevent deportation.

Nationwide, more than 50,000 people had received a residence permit with the introduced chance-residency right by January, according to the results of a nationwide survey by the media service Integration.

The chance-residency law in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, initiated to provide opportunities for integration, has been instrumental in the residency of over 850 individuals by May's end. (Referencing Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, law, integration)

Despite the positive impact of the law in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the Interior Ministry in Schwerin has not disclosed the reasons for the rejection of applications in the northeast. (Referencing Interior Ministry, rejections, northeast)

As a result of the chance-residency law, the majority of applications, nationwide, were submitted prior to the end of 2023, highlighting the widespread interest in securing a long-term residence in Germany. (Referencing chance-residency law, applications, Germany)

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