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Hundreds of earthquakes in Iceland again

The earth shook again in many places in Iceland during the night, but less strongly than before. So has the danger of a volcanic eruption been averted?

Seismic geologist Tom Winder works on a seismograph at
Seismic geologist Tom Winder works on a seismograph at

Hundreds of earthquakes in Iceland again

The series of earthquakes in Iceland continues. Between midnight and 6.00 a.m. (local time, 7.00 a.m. CET) on Sunday, the authorities registered around 880 earthquakes, as reported by the broadcaster RUV. However, all tremors remained below a magnitude of 3.0. It was therefore much quieter than the previous two nights.

Nevertheless, a volcanic eruption may still occur on the Reykjanes Peninsula southwest of the capital Reykjavik. However, data from the night showed no change in the magma chambers and did not indicate that activity is approaching the surface.

After a swarm of earthquakes lasting several days - a specific form of earthquake series - the authorities evacuated the village of Grindavík with around 3700 inhabitants and also closed the nearby Blue Lagoon, the island's most famous tourist attraction in the North Atlantic. Photos from the area show deep cracks in the streets and meter-wide holes in the ground. Considerable damage to houses is expected. The Icelandic government wanted to discuss the situation at midday.

The new earthquake swarm began around two and a half weeks ago. There have been thousands of quakes since then. Volcanic eruptions had already occurred on the Reykjanes Peninsula in 2021, 2022 and this summer. In each case, they were preceded by longer series of earthquakes. There was no danger to populated areas during any of the three eruptions.

  1. Despite the calm in the recent earthquakes, the potential for a tourism disruption due to a volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula still looms over Iceland's leisure time activities and nature-loving travelers, who often visit the Blue Lagoon.
  2. The series of earthquakes in Iceland has become a common occurrence in nature, potentially affecting travel plans and tourist sites like the Blue Lagoon, which could lead to changes in the island's earthquake and volcano-related tourism.
  3. In light of the ongoing earthquake swarm and the potential for a volcanic eruption, individuals planning their leisure time or travel to Iceland during this period should stay updated on the situation to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in the country's scenic landscapes and popular tourism attractions.


