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Hundreds of applications for naturalization were lost

Due to a technical error, many digital applications for dual citizenship in Berlin have been lost. Affected parties will be notified.

Waiting for German identity papers: Hundreds of digital naturalization applications have been lost...
Waiting for German identity papers: Hundreds of digital naturalization applications have been lost in Berlin due to an IT issue.

data panel - Hundreds of applications for naturalization were lost

Hundreds of digital naturalization applications in Berlin have been lost due to a technical error. There are 582 identified cases where applications were initially recorded but not correctly processed, ITDZ Berlin announced upon inquiry. The "Tagesspiegel" reported the news first.

This refers to the Berlin Digital Application (BDA), with which a double citizenship can be applied for. ITDZ Berlin operates the technical infrastructure for this. The cause was a faulty software configuration when the new Digital Naturalization Application was provided on 27.6.2024.

The error was detected and immediately rectified by the ITDZ Berlin monitoring system on 28.6. "Since then, the data of all applicants have been processed correctly," the press office stated. The affected parties will be informed as soon as possible. They will not incur any additional financial expense, as the fees will not be charged again.

  1. Despite the technical error in Berlin, many individuals were still required to submit an application for naturalization using the Berlin Digital Application, which is suitable for those seeking dual citizenship.
  2. The technical glitch affected 582 migration cases in Berlin, where the application for naturalization was initially logged but not properly handled, as reported by ITDZ Berlin following an inquiry.
  3. To prevent similar incidents in the future, the authorities have closely examined the data panel of the software used for the Berlin Digital Application, which is operated by ITDZ Berlin, to identify any potential issues.
  4. While the technical error in the software for the Berlin Digital Application for naturalization applications occurred in 2024, the corresponding data panel has been carefully scrutinized by Berlin authorities to avoid any such incident affecting future applicants for citizenship.

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