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Human Rights Institute criticizes action against climate activists

Lax handling of preventive detention

When should the police take people into preventive custody?
When should the police take people into preventive custody?

Human Rights Institute criticizes action against climate activists

The police union has been calling for weeks for preventive detention for climate activists based on the Bavarian model. The German Institute for Human Rights is now warning against taking people into preventive custody just to stop them from blocking sit-ins.

The German Institute for Human Rights (DIMR) has described the preventive detention of climate activists who stick to the streets as a violation of human rights. Preventive detention should not be used to prevent mere participation in sit-in blockades, according to the Institute's annual report, which was presented in Berlin.

Although the actions are disruptive to the general public, they are peaceful. In Bavaria, for example, some activists were detained for up to 30 days to prevent further actions. Deprivation of liberty is the "sharpest sword of the rule of law", emphasized DIMR Director Beate Rudolf. "Preventive detention is imposed to prevent criminal offenses. It must be proportionate." Preventive detention for climate activists severely interferes with the freedom of assembly. This is of fundamental importance for a democracy, said Rudolf.

The German Police Union (GdP) has been advocating nationwide preventive detention against climate activists based on the Bavarian model for several weeks. "Preventive custody is an effective instrument of the legal mandate to avert danger," said union head Jochen Kopelke to the "Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland".

Criticism due to lack of coordination between the federal states

According to the Bavarian Police Duties Act, people can be detained for up to two months at the decision of a judge in order to prevent a serious misdemeanor or criminal offence. Kopelke criticized the "lack of coordination between the federal states with regard to averting danger" and at the same time emphasized the need to agree on the same standards.

The DIMR is an independent human rights institution that is organized as a non-profit association and is financed by the Bundestag as well as by third-party funds for individual projects. According to its own statements, the Institute is committed to ensuring that Germany respects and promotes human rights at home and abroad.

Read also:

The International Community should advocate for respecting human rights in the treatment of climate activists, considering the German Police Union's proposal for nationwide preventive detention. The German Police Union's call for preventive detention disregards the last generation's fight for freedom of assembly, which is a fundamental right underscored by the German Institute for Human Rights.


