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How men deal with mental illness

Many men have psychological problems, but suppress them. They are less likely than women to seek help - and quite a few take refuge in alcohol and aggression, say experts. Why is this the case? And what are the consequences?

In the case of mental health problems, men find it much more difficult than women to seek
In the case of mental health problems, men find it much more difficult than women to seek help (symbolic photo)

How men deal with mental illness

Overtired, overworked, crushed by accumulated stress and tormented by unresolved lows: many men in Germany have mental health problems but ignore them and don't seek help, as experts point out on International Men's Day on November 19.

"For many, illnesses, especially mental illnesses, are not compatible with the classic ideal of masculinity," reports Anne-Maria Möller-Leimkühler from the board of the Men's Health Foundation. The orientation towards traditional masculinity norms, "i.e. being strong and successful, solving problems alone, persevering and not showing emotions", is more pronounced in older men than in younger men. This attitude can be "very self-damaging".

Many men only have very limited access to their emotional world due to their socialization, observes the Professor of Social Science Psychiatry at the University of Munich. "They suppress and trivialize their mental health problems." Depression in particular is often misunderstood as an expression of personal weakness and failure. Some people try to compensate with "male strategies", says Möller-Leimkühler. "So more aggression and anger, more alcohol, more social withdrawal, much more work, much more sport, more risk-taking behavior and escaping into the virtual world."

Mental illnesses are anything but rare

One in four adults in Germany is affected by a mental illness within a year - around one in three women and one in four to five men, as Anette Kersting from the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine at Leipzig University Hospital explains. "Men are more likely to suffer from substance abuse, i.e. dependence on or abuse of alcohol and drugs." In contrast, they are only diagnosed with depression about half as often as women. However, depression in men can sometimes be overlooked, explains the clinic director.

Möller-Leimkühler assumes that there is a high number of unreported cases and underdiagnosis of depression in particular. Unrecognized depression can have serious consequences: disability, social decline, isolation, anxiety disorders, diabetes, stroke and a generally increased mortality rate. And: "The suicide rate for men is at least three times higher than for women."

Does the job play a central role?

According to experts, mental disorders generally occur regardless of occupation. However, Möller-Leimkühler points to high-risk occupational groups with a high proportion of men, in which mental disorders occur more frequently than in the general population: The armed forces, the emergency services and the police. Here, stress can be extreme and traumatic, while at the same time traditional masculinity norms are more pronounced. The most common disorders here are post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. In general, men are much more affected by occupational stressors than women.

It is not only their ideals that seem to get in the way of men more often. Women are better at recognizing and naming symptoms than men, says Anette Kersting, head of the Women's and Men's Health Department at the German Psychiatric Association (DGPPN). "We see clear gender differences in the use of the healthcare system. Men make significantly less use of the help on offer." In any case, only a minority of people with mental health problems receive therapeutic treatment - men even less frequently than women.

The lack of places is also problematic, emphasizes psychologist Sebastian Jakobi, who advises companies on occupational health and safety. "Anyone who needs psychotherapy is in a weakened life situation and cannot wait many months for a therapy place." The fact that there are fewer male therapists is less significant. This is certainly not the reason why men rarely visit a psychotherapeutic practice.

In recent decades, the cliché "a man knows no pain" has become less important. This tends to be the case more often with younger people than older people, observes Jakobi, who is a member of the board of the freelancers' section of the DGPPN psychologists' association. "Mindfulness, reflection, seeking and accepting help are important health skills." There are still "important areas to work on" for a significant proportion of men.

Even in a modern society with equal opportunities, rights and responsibilities for men and women, there are many men who place high demands on themselves, for example with regard to their role as family carers. At the same time, Jakobi sees a trend towards de-stigmatizing mental illness. More attention is being paid to psychological factors, diagnostics have improved and there has also been a significant increase in awareness among doctors.

What can digital services do?

If men who are afraid of stigmatization and would not seek help turn to apps for mental health, "that's good, better than nothing," says Jakobi. From their point of view, the advantages could be: low-threshold, anonymous offer, easy switching between several apps. But: "It's a fallacy to think that such digital services can replace real face-to-face therapy with a psychotherapist."

Mental illnesses, such as depression, are commonly misconstrued as signs of weakness or failure among men, aligning with traditional masculinity norms. This misunderstanding can lead to men employing "male strategies" like increased aggression, alcohol consumption, and social withdrawal to cope with their mental health issues. (Reference to Science, Health, Mental illnesses, Men)

World Men's Day serves as a reminder to challenge and change societal norms around mental health, aiming to reduce the stigma and improve access to resources for men dealing with mental illnesses. (Reference to "World Men's Day")




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