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Hope and fear - Two-year-old disappeared without a trace

A little girl disappears from her parents' house without a trace, probably dressed only in pyjamas. In the cold, emergency services search intensively for the two-year-old child.

Around 200 members of the police, fire department and technical relief organization took part
Around 200 members of the police, fire department and technical relief organization took part in the search for a two-year-old girl who went missing in the district of Sigmaringen in Baden-Württemberg.

Baden-Württemberg - Hope and fear - Two-year-old disappeared without a trace

The last fog of the night still hangs in the trees as a dozen police cars with flashing blue lights drive into the municipality of Bingen near the Swabian Alb on Monday morning. A two-year-old girl has been missing in the district of Hitzkofen since Sunday evening.

Police spokesman Christian Sugg reported that it was sub-zero temperatures during the night. More than 100 police officers, a helicopter and several sniffer dogs continued to search for the child on Monday.

The two-year-old is said to have left her parents' house in an unobserved moment on Sunday. This is located in the immediate vicinity of the River Lauchert. The normally calm river is currently in flood, as the mayor of the municipality in the district of Sigmaringen in Baden-Württemberg, Jochen Fetzer (non-party), said. "That makes things even more dramatic." There is significantly more water in the river than usual. Like the police and other emergency services, the mayor hopes that the child will be found safe and sound despite all the adversity.

The police helicopter rattles over Hitzkofen again and again. Equipped with thick boots and caps, the police scour the river embankment, wooded areas and open spaces. "The atmosphere is oppressive," said Andrea Enz (63) from Bingen. She has grandchildren of a similar age herself. The case is close to her heart and she feels for them, said the 63-year-old.

Police comb every meter in the vicinity

On Monday afternoon, the police expanded their search radius. According to a police spokeswoman, a team of hundreds from the Ravensburg police headquarters and the Göppingen police headquarters ran away from the little girl's parents' house in a star shape and combed every meter. They also questioned family, acquaintances and friends. "It took hours."

Until late into the night on Sunday, around 180 emergency services from the fire department, technical relief organization, rescue service and German Red Cross searched for the two-year-old. Four drones and a helicopter were also in the air. However, the weather made it difficult to gain visibility, explained Oliver Weißflog, head of the police press office.

Divers were also deployed - but without success. The emergency services searched for the child at a weir, for example. The weir is located between Bingen and Sigmaringendorf, where the Lauchert flows into the Danube. "We have found no trace of the missing girl there," said a police spokeswoman.

In pyjamas on an icy night

Mayor Fetzer hopes that the missing girl spent the night somewhere warm. "I can't imagine that there is much hope when the temperature is below zero." Fetzer said that the mood in the village was sombre. The girl's parents are staying with friends outside the community. The family had only been living in the village since last year.

According to the parents' description, the two-year-old is around 60 centimetres tall and has short, blonde hair and blue eyes. "As far as we know, the girl is only wearing pyjamas," said Sugg. The Sigmaringen Criminal Investigation Department began the investigation and asked for information about the girl's whereabouts.

According to the police, there were no further clues - apart from the location of the disappearance - on Monday afternoon. "We are hoping for a happy outcome," said Sugg. It was initially unclear how long the search would last.

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