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Homes of Hamas sympathizers searched

When videos appear on the internet celebrating Hamas terror attacks, a trail leads to Münster. On Thursday, officers search the home of a suspect there. Investigators also visit a man from Lower Saxony.

Police officers carry out a search of a residential building.
Police officers carry out a search of a residential building.

Large-scale operation - Homes of Hamas sympathizers searched

On Thursday, state security forces searched the homes of suspected Hamas sympathizers in Münster, Nordhorn in Lower Saxony and Belgium. Investigations had previously revealed that a 46-year-old man had allegedly made posts glorifying violence on the social media channel TikTok, Münster police announced.

The terrorist attacks by the Islamist group Hamas on October 7 were allegedly celebrated. Further investigations led to a 49-year-old suspect. Early on Thursday morning, officers searched the 46-year-old's home in Münster and two homes of the 49-year-old in Nordhorn and in Eupen, Belgium.

The officers seized electronic storage media in the form of smartphones and tablets. These are now being analyzed. According to the police, no one was arrested. The 49-year-old man was in a state of shock when the officers seized him in Nordhorn. He is therefore receiving medical treatment.

On October 7, Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip committed the worst massacre in Israel's history near the border. More than 1200 people were killed. Around 240 hostages were taken to Gaza, including several Germans.


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