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Court: Suspended sentence for persistent stalking

A suspended sentence of nine months has been confirmed by the Frankfurt Regional Court for a particularly persistent case of stalking. On Friday, the criminal division rejected the 66-year-old defendant's appeal against an identical ruling by the district court. The man had not appeared at the...

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Process - Court: Suspended sentence for persistent stalking

A suspended sentence of nine months has been confirmed by the Frankfurt Regional Court for a particularly persistent case of stalking. On Friday, the criminal division rejected the 66-year-old defendant's appeal against an identical ruling by the district court. The man had not appeared at the court hearing and had only sent his defense lawyer instead. The verdict is not yet final. (AZ 3350 Js 228454/21)

Although he did not know the woman personally, the defendant had, according to the verdict, stalked her in various ways over a period of two years - 2021 and 2022. He harassed her with phone calls and lay in wait for her outside her home and at work. An interim fine and various contact bans apparently did not impress him. The district court therefore considered a prison sentence to be appropriate. The woman had reported on the witness stand that she now had to seek psychological help because of the stalking.

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