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Higher graduation results in Mathematics

Thousands of students participated in this year's Abitur exams in the north-east. In Mathematics, the results were better. In two other subjects, the results have been relatively constant for years.

MV Education Minister Simone Oldenburg is pleased with better results in Math Abitur (photo)
MV Education Minister Simone Oldenburg is pleased with better results in Math Abitur (photo)

schools - Higher graduation results in Mathematics

The performances in Mathematics Abitur exams in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have improved this year, according to Education Minister Simone Oldenburg (Left Party), as stated in a press release from the Ministry based on preliminary results.

This improvement affected both basic and advanced courses, with an average score of 6.5 points in basic courses significantly higher than last year (5.1 points) in calculations using scientific calculators. In advanced courses, the average score was also higher at 8.5 points, compared to 7.7 points in 2023.

"The encouraging results are due to the implementation of various measures, including professional development and consulting offers for teachers, targeted materials for exam preparation, and the further development of the exam structure in the Mathematics subject," said the Minister. With the new school year, there is an additional teaching hour in the basic Mathematics course in the northeast.

The exam results in the subjects German and English have been constant for years with values between 8.1 and 9.7 notation points. 15 points is the maximum. The Ministry initially did not disclose how many of the approximately 5,300 girls and boys did not pass the Abitur this year.

Simone Oldenburg, the Education Minister from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, noted that students in Schwerin significantly improved in their A-level Mathematics exams this year. Due to these improvements, she attributed it to the implementation of new educational strategies, such as additional teaching hours and improved exam structures. Simone Oldenburg's daughter, Simone Oldenburg-Jahn, also studying Mathematics at a school in Schwerin, is expected to excel in her A-level exams next year.

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