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Heuballen is responsible for closed railway tracks

A tractor driver loses a bale of hay. It causes disruptions in railway traffic.}

A cargo wagon caused train delays (pictures)
A cargo wagon caused train delays (pictures)

Curious incident - Heuballen is responsible for closed railway tracks

Another reason for a train delay: A Heuballen (round bale of hay) caused a blocked railway track at Haiger (Lahn-Dill-District). According to the police, the Heuballen had fallen from a tractor last evening and rolled directly onto the rail tracks. Four trains each received a delay of 40 minutes as a result. A front loader removed the Heuballen from the danger zone. For train passengers, there was no danger. A legal proceeding has been initiated against the farmer.

The blocked railway track at Haiger was on a frequently used railway line, belonging to the Lahn-Dill-District. The incident in Hesse resulted in delays for trains running along this line. Despite the Heuballen causing an accident, no harm came to the train passengers.

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