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Herrmann: Bundles judicial asylum procedures (Bayern)

More expertise of courts should accelerate the procedures: Bavaria consolidates jurisdiction for asylum applications. The countries of origin are decisive.

Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann: Asyl proceedings are being processed.
Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann: Asyl proceedings are being processed.

Administrative Courts - Herrmann: Bundles judicial asylum procedures (Bayern)

Certain asyl proceedings in Bavaria will be concentrated at specific administrative courts in the future. This is intended to accelerate the procedures when an asyl seeker files a lawsuit. "Through the concentration of certain origin countries, the courts will gain greater expertise in the proceedings. We hope for faster asyl decision-making and overall a shortening of the nationwide procedure times," said Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU). The cabinet reportedly approved the concept in the Tuesday meeting.

Disputes under the Asylum Law with asyl seekers from Yemen and Nigeria will be heard in the future at the Administrative Court in Augsburg. For asyl seekers from Jordan and Peru, the Administrative Court in Bayreuth is now responsible. The origin countries Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo, Sierra Leone, and Uganda, according to the Interior Ministry, are assigned to the Administrative Court in Regensburg. And the Administrative Court in Würzburg will handle future proceedings from asyl seekers from Turkey, for which until now the Administrative Court in Ansbach was responsible.

Joachim Herrmann, the Interior Minister from Bavaria's CSU party, expressed his hopes for faster asylum decision-making due to the concentration of certain asylum proceedings at specific administrative courts in the region. In accordance with this plan, disputes under the Asylum Law with asylum seekers from Yemen and Nigeria will now be heard at the Administrative Court in Augsburg.

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