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Helicopter brings injured motorcyclist to hospital

A motorcycle rider is on a country road near Naumburg when he suddenly falls. The accident has severe consequences for the 71-year-old.

In Naumburg: A helicopter brings a severely injured quad-rider to a hospital (picture)
In Naumburg: A helicopter brings a severely injured quad-rider to a hospital (picture)

accidents - Helicopter brings injured motorcyclist to hospital

A motorcycle rider was severely injured in an accident near Naumburg and was eventually taken to a hospital by a rescue helicopter, according to the police. The 71-year-old man had been on his way from the Bundesstraße 176 to the Landesstraße 207 in the afternoon, the police reported. Near the intersection leading to the Freyburg district of Pödelist (Burgenlandkreis), the man had driven several meters over the edge of the road, then back onto the road and crashed there. The exact cause of the accident is not yet known according to further information from the police.

The accident occurred in Saxony-Anhalt, specifically near Naumburg. Despite the traffic, the helicopter ambulance managed to reach the scene promptly. The incident involved a motorcyclist on his way from the Bundesstraße 176 to the Landesstraße 207. The police are still investigating the exact cause of the accident.

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