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Guru of yoga sex cult arrested in France

Suspicion of human trafficking

The guru was wanted for arrest in several
The guru was wanted for arrest in several

Guru of yoga sex cult arrested in France

He has been excluded from the international yoga association since 2008. Now the guru of a yoga sect has been arrested in France along with 40 other disciples. The charges range from human trafficking to kidnapping and sexual abuse.

A 71-year-old leader of an international yoga sect has been arrested in France. Gregorian Bivolaru, who has both Romanian and Swedish nationality, is alleged to have sexually abused several women. In addition to him, 40 other suspected leaders of his sect-like movement were taken into police custody, the French police announced.

In addition, 26 women who had been made sexually submissive were freed. The women had been kept in very cramped and unhygienic conditions. They were mentally manipulated into accepting sex with the guru or taking part in pornographic chats.

The International Yoga Federation had already expelled the movement called Atman (previously Misa) in 2008 for illegal business practices. Several women of different nationalities who had managed to quit had reported the yoga guru. The French public prosecutor's office opened an investigation last July. Among other things, it accuses those arrested of kidnapping as part of an organized gang. In this case, they face up to 30 years in prison. The suspects were arrested in the greater Paris area and in the Alpes-Maritimes department in the south of France.


