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Greens demand better protection of women from violence

Directly, women are often exposed to domestic violence. In the worst case, they are even killed by their partner. The Greens-Fraktion sounds the alarm now.

Green protest against violence against women
Green protest against violence against women

Femizide - Greens demand better protection of women from violence

The Greens in the parliament advocate for better protection of Women from domestic violence up to murder. Police, local authorities, and counseling centers should work closely and act before an attack occurs, for instance in so-called case conferences, it is stated in a demand catalog. There are often warning signs, but they are collected too late or only in retrospect.

Moreover, the Greens consider it necessary that in cases of domestic violence, the police can exclude the perpetrators from the shared household for four weeks instead of the previous two weeks - this is called a police expulsion. The Greens also demand that contact and approach bans for perpetrators be included in the State Police Code and that violations of these provisions be punishable with fines of up to 5000 Euro. In the demand catalog, there is also a renunciation of budget cuts in the field of domestic violence protection.

"It is still a risk to life in our patriarchal society to be a Woman," explained Green politicians Bahar Haghanipour and Vasili Franco. "We can no longer accept this as given." Every four minutes, a woman in Germany experiences violence from her partner or ex-partner. "In the past few weeks, four women have become victims of femicide in Berlin."

When women are killed because they are women, that is called femicide. The most common form is the murder by partners or ex-partners. Similarly, one speaks of femicides when women are killed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity or allegedly in the name of "honor".

  1. The House of Deputies, in alignment with Alliance 90/The Greens, has expressed concern over rising domestic violence cases, particularly in Berlin, where homicides against women have escalated recently.
  2. The Green Party has highlighted the importance of partnering with the police and local authorities to implement proactive measures against domestic violence, ensuring timely interventions before attacks occur.
  3. Ms. Bahar Haghanipour, a Green politician, vocalized the need for a shift in perspective, stating that being a woman continues to be a risk for life within the patriarchal society.
  4. The Greens advocate for strengthening legal measures to protect women from violence, proposing an extension of the police expulsion period from two to four weeks in cases of domestic violence.
  5. Alliance 90/The Greens also urge for the inclusion of contact and approach bans for perpetrators within the State Police Code, with penalties of up to 5000 Euro for violations.
  6. The House of Deputies supports the Green Party's request for the consolidation of funding for domestic violence protection programs, acknowledging the essential role these services play in reducing criminality and violence against women.

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