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Great fire in Halle - Carpentry is completely destroyed

On Thursday evening, a black smoke cloud rises over the northern part of the city Halle. The fire department puts out a large fire in a carpenter's shop all night long. Now investigations are running.

After a major fire in the north of Halle, the police have now taken up proceedings to investigate...
After a major fire in the north of Halle, the police have now taken up proceedings to investigate the cause.

Brands - Great fire in Halle - Carpentry is completely destroyed

After a major fire at a staircase construction company in Halle Trotha, the police have taken over the investigation into the cause of the fire. According to initial reports from the authority, damages amounting to several 100,000 Euro have occurred. A fire watch from the fire department is still on site to extinguish smoldering hotspots.

On Thursday evening, the fire department was called to an incident in Küttener Weg in the north of the city Halle (Saale). The smoke cloud from the burning company building was visible throughout the city and in the surrounding areas. Residents and residents were asked via warning app to close windows and doors. The all-clear was given in the early morning.

The firefighting efforts lasted all night. However, the police stated that the fire was already under control by late Thursday evening. The company premises are reportedly completely destroyed by the fire and could not be entered as of the first reports.

The fire department from Saxony-Anhalt was involved in the efforts to contain the large fire in Halle (Saale), as they worked tirelessly to extinguish smoldering hotspots. Despite the police taking over the investigation into the cause of the fire at the staircase construction company, they sought assistance from the fire department to gather evidence. The fire department in Saxony-Anhalt also received a call for assistance in Küttener Weg, where a similar large fire had occurred, likely causing significant damage to the property.

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