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Governor sees a future for Meyer Werft

Meyer Werft fights for its existence. Lower Saxony's Minister-President Stephan Weil sees a future for this traditional business.

Governor sees a promising future perspective for the ailing Meyer Werft.
Governor sees a promising future perspective for the ailing Meyer Werft.

Shipbuilding - Governor sees a future for Meyer Werft

Lower Saxony's Minister-President Stephan Weil sees a prospect for the ailing Meyer Werft. "Meyer Werft is future-proof. And we are working very hard to ensure that it also has a future," said the SPD politician to the "Nordwest-Zeitung".

The now presented restructuring report was, according to Weil, an important step, "but we need to come to agreements with the banks, between the Federal Government and the State, the contractors, and also with the owners." There is a real chance, emphasized the head of government. A few days ago, the report was presented, which, according to the Economy Ministry, attested to the shipyard's restructuring capability.

The well-known yard for its cruise ships is in the gravest crisis of its more than 200-year existence. The yard currently has orders up to 2028. However, some of the contracts for the cruise ships were concluded before the Corona pandemic.

Due to the interim decline in the tourist market, the orders were adjusted in agreement with the shipping companies. However, they see no adjustment to the drastically rising energy and raw material prices due to Russia's attack on Ukraine. At the beginning of July, the management reached an agreement with the works council and IG Metall on a restructuring concept. 340 of the more than 3,000 jobs are therefore to be eliminated.

The company must raise more than 2.7 billion Euros by the end of 2027 for financing ship newbuilds. In this sum, according to earlier statements by sanctioner Ralf Schmitz, is also the increase in equity capital by 400 million Euros demanded by the banks.

  1. Stephan Weil, the SPD's Minister-President of Lower Saxony, believes that Meyer Werft, situated in Papenburg, has a promising future in shipbuilding.
  2. According to the presented restructuring report, Meyer Werft has the capability to restructure, a fact acknowledged by the Economy Ministry.
  3. Despite being in its gravest crisis since its inception over 200 years ago, Meyer Werft currently has orders extended up to 2028.
  4. The future perspective of Meyer Werft relies heavily on negotiations with banks, the Federal Government, the State, contractors, and the shipowners.
  5. The NWZ, recognizing the tradition and business of Meyer Werft, supports the efforts of the SPD politician Stephan Weil in securing the shipyard's future.
  6. Meyer Werft GmbH, renowned for its shipbuilding in Papenburg, is working diligently to meet the financial requirements of 2.7 billion Euros by 2027, including the demanded equity capital increase of 400 million Euros by the banks.

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