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Goldschmidt will increase Recycling-Quote on construction sites

A million tonnes of construction waste and debris land annually in Schleswig-Holstein's landfills. Minister Goldschmidt aims to change this for one reason.

Minister Goldschmidt will increase the recycling quota in construction.
Minister Goldschmidt will increase the recycling quota in construction.

construction debris - Goldschmidt will increase Recycling-Quote on construction sites

Environment Minister Tobias Goldschmidt highlighted the significance of recycled construction materials in reaching climate goals. "Approximately one million tonnes of construction and demolition waste land in Schleswig-Holstein every year", stated the Green politician to the German Press Agency. "They make up the largest waste fraction there."

By reusing materials, resources, transportation costs, emissions, and the need for landfills could be reduced, Goldschmidt added. The Landtag is debating this today (approximately 4:00 PM).

Goldschmidt advocates incentives

"To achieve our state goal of climate neutrality by 2040, we must not only save CO2 in energy production and transportation – in the emissions-intensive construction sector, it is necessary to set the switches towards reduction," said Goldschmidt. Necessary are incentives and political measures.

The government intends to lead by example and facilitate the use of recycled construction materials in the state's construction projects, Goldschmidt stated. "An example is already the case at the Eiderdam construction site, where predominantly own material is being reused. Already, non-recyclable plastic waste is being used in the roadbed of the Rader High Bridge."

  1. The debate about promoting the use of recycled construction materials in Schleswig-Holstein's construction projects is currently taking place in the state parliament at around 4:00 PM.
  2. In his push for environmental politics, Minister Tobias Goldschmidt highlighted that the state parliament needs to consider incentives and political measures to reduce construction waste, as Schleswig-Holstein produces approximately one million tonnes of construction and demolition waste annually.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that Minister Goldschmidt mentioned the Eiderdam construction site as an example of the government's commitment to using recycled construction materials, with predominantly own materials being reused and non-recyclable plastic waste being utilized in the Rader High Bridge's roadbed.
  4. With the Climate goal of Schleswig-Holstein to become climate-neutral by 2040, it's vital to also take action in the emissions-intensive construction sector and not only focus on saving CO2 in energy production and transportation, as stated by Minister Tobias Goldschmidt.

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