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Goldschmidt for cooperation with Norway on hydrogen

Germany should become climate neutral quickly. For this, so-called green gases such as hydrogen are necessary. Energy minister Goldschmidt sees Norway as an important partner in this.

Norway should be a partner for Schleswig-Holstein in the energy transition
Norway should be a partner for Schleswig-Holstein in the energy transition

Energy policy - Goldschmidt for cooperation with Norway on hydrogen

Schleswig-Holstein's Energy Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens) sees Norway as a strategic partner in the transformation of energy supply. Norway has a long tradition as an energy supplier to the Federal Republic, Goldschmidt stated before a Monday trip to Norway. "The Russian aggression war against Ukraine has once again clearly shown us the significance of energy trade between our countries." Norwegian natural gas has significantly contributed to Germany getting through the energy crisis.

"In our way towards climate neutrality, Norway's significance as a strategic energy partner will again increase: as a supplier for green electricity, green gases, or also as a cooperation partner for the use and storage of CO2-emissions," the minister added. Norway will become one of the major European producers of so-called green gases. Among them is hydrogen, produced using electricity from water, wind, or solar energy. Since it comes from renewable sources, it is called green hydrogen.

Schleswig-Holstein is to benefit

According to Goldschmidt's conviction, Schleswig-Holstein, with its harbors and the planned hydrogen core network, has an ideal position to develop into a European hydrogen hub. Schleswig-Holstein will need a lot of hydrogen due to its gas infrastructure in Brunsbüttel Elbe Harbor, the industrial companies of ChemCoastParks, and the planned hydrogen core network. "I will also use the talks in Norway for advocating for close cooperation in the field of green gases. The planned pipeline project between Norway and Lower Saxony must also become a winning project for Schleswig-Holstein," Goldschmidt said.

Planned talks on Offshore Wind Energy

Furthermore, talks on the topic of Offshore Wind Energy are planned. Germany's expansion goal of 70 GW by 2045 is a great opportunity for full order books for plant manufacturers and shipyards. So converter platforms would be needed, some of which are already being built in Norway. "How Schleswig-Holstein can participate more strongly in this market and what it needs for that, I will intensively speak about in the coming days," Goldschmidt said.

Until August 1st, the minister plans to visit an offshore converter platform of the transmission network operator Tennet in Norway, as well as to hold talks with Heidelberg Materials Sement Norge, Wintershall, Yara, and the German Embassy.

  1. Tobias Goldschmidt highlighted the importance of Norway as a strategic partner in Schleswig-Holstein's energy transition, recognizing its role as a supplier of green electricity and green gases.
  2. Norway is set to become a major European producer of green gases, including hydrogen, produced using renewable sources such as water, wind, or solar energy.
  3. With its harbors and planned hydrogen core network, Schleswig-Holstein has an ideal position to develop into a European hydrogen hub, as it will require large amounts of hydrogen due to its gas infrastructure and industrial companies.
  4. Goldschmidt emphasized the need for close cooperation between Schleswig-Holstein and Norway in the field of green gases, including the pipeline project between Norway and Lower Saxony, which could provide benefits to Schleswig-Holstein.
  5. Besides discussing hydrogen and offshore wind energy, Goldschmidt also plans to hold talks with various Norwegian companies, such as Heidelberg Materials Sement Norge, Wintershall, and Yara, to explore opportunities for Schleswig-Holstein in the offshore wind energy market.
  6. In his upcoming visit to Norway, Goldschmidt will visit an offshore converter platform of the transmission network operator Tennet and hold discussions with the German Embassy, aiming to bolster Schleswig-Holstein's participation in the growing offshore wind energy market.

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