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Glide time at schools? Call for more experiments

For years, there have been debates about school starting too early. A class in Plochingen tested a flexible school start - with good results. Students could present themselves nationwide.

Should we go to school directly in the morning or rather sleep a bit longer and complete tasks...
Should we go to school directly in the morning or rather sleep a bit longer and complete tasks independently? A class at a gymnasium in Plochingen tested this for several weeks.

Later school starting time - Glide time at schools? Call for more experiments

Mornings early to school or rather sleep longer? Students of a Gymnasium in Plochingen have tested a flexible scheduling model for several weeks and drawn a positive balance. "The project was successful for the class and for me," said Till Richter, a German teacher of the class at the school in Esslingen district.

He advocated for the flexible scheduling to be tried again. "I could propose another test next school year," so Richter. This should be scientifically accompanied and evaluated, and conducted with neutral classes and neutral teaching staff.

The idea for the experiment at Plochingen Gymnasium, which ran from early April to mid-May, came from the students themselves. In German class, they had discussed what bothered them about school. "The topics of discussion quickly turned to class times and the school start," said Richter.

Either complete homework assignments in class or at home

The seventh grade of the gymnasium tested a flexible scheduling model for six weeks at the start of the school year. Twice a week, students could decide whether they wanted to come to school regularly at 7:50 am or later at 9:40 am. Instead of regular German and English classes on Tuesdays and Fridays, there was a voluntary learning time. For this time, the seventh graders received tasks that they could either complete under supervision in school or at another time at home.

The opportunity for flexible scheduling in Plochingen was used differently by students and teachers. Sometimes there were only two students present, sometimes the whole class, Richter recalled. The goal was not to have as few students as possible come to class, but for them to carefully consider whether it made sense for them to come.

Teachers: Those who came were more motivated

The conclusion of the pedagogue: "Those who decided to come to school were much more motivated." In addition, he had time for students in the flexible scheduling hours who did not dare to speak to him in front of the entire class.

And the completion of the tasks also worked well, only very few had not completed them. "Through the flexible scheduling model, there were no more excuses. No one could say 'I didn't have time' anymore," says Richter. For students who had not completed the tasks well, he had also gained a new instrument through the model: "I could say 'Come to the next flexible scheduling time and we'll go through it again together'."

Whether there will be another flexible scheduling trial at Plochingen Gymnasium next school year, the school management will discuss at the beginning of the summer holidays in a retreat, explained Richter, who is also a member of the school management team.

Student Council: Needed at all schools

Support comes from the state student council. "From a student perspective, it's absolutely sensible. It should really be at all schools," said the chairman of the committee, Joshua Meisel of the German Press Agency in Stuttgart. A longer sleep duration leads to a significant increase in concentration levels and better grades, so Meisel. A major advantage of a flexible scheduling model compared to a general shift of instruction back is the flexibility for each student. They all have different sleep requirements.

According to the Culture Ministry, the school start in Baden-Württemberg is decided by the so-called School Conference based on the School Law. In this body are represented the school principal, teachers, parents, and students.

A scheduling of the instruction start is generally possible. The corresponding decision is to be made by the School Conference of each individual school, taking local circumstances into consideration, a spokesperson of the Ministry announced at the start of the trial of the flexible schedule. This requires, for example, checking the organizational feasibility, with regard to traffic infrastructure.

However, the rules are stricter at primary schools. There, instruction should begin evenly every day, the Ministry stated. "Classes 1 and 2 should start at the latest in the second hour, classes 3 and 4 in the first hour. These regulations may only be deviated from for compelling reasons", it was further stated.

  1. The successful flexible scheduling trial in Plochingen's Gymnasium has sparked interest in other schools, particularly in Stuttgart, where Joshua Meisel, the chairman of the state student council, strongly advocates for its implementation across all schools.
  2. As part of the flexible scheduling model, students in the seventh grade of the gymnasium in Plochingen were given the option to start their school day either at 7:50 am or later at 9:40 am, which significantly improved their motivation levels and task completion rates, according to Till Richter, the German teacher involved in the project.
  3. In Baden-Württemberg, the school start time is decided by the School Conference based on the School Law, and each individual school has the flexibility to make a decision regarding the scheduling of instruction start, taking local circumstances into consideration, as announced by a spokesperson from the Culture Ministry.
  4. While the rules for primary schools in Baden-Württemberg are more strict, with instruction starting evenly every day and classes 1 and 2 beginning no later than the second hour, there is still the possibility to deviate from these regulations for compelling reasons, as stated by the Ministry.

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