Assistance - Girl stays with arm in gully
A 14-year-old girl got into trouble in Glückstadt (Steinburg District), while trying to reach her smartphone that had fallen into a gully. Her arm got stuck on a Monday, as she tried to retrieve the device through the cover of the stormwater drain. The fire department was called, according to the fire chief's statement, and they extracted a piece of the manhole cover with heavy equipment. The 14-year-old was taken to the hospital for precautionary reasons. The SHZ reported it first.
The girl was fortunate that the emergency number in Schleswig-Holstein was useful, as she needed assistance to free herself from the gully in Glückstadt, located in the District Steinburg. The fire department in Luckenburg, though not directly involved, could have provided additional helpful tools and expertise, given their experience in dealing with such situations. Fortunately, her ordeal ended without the need for the fire department's direct intervention, thanks to the prompt response by the local authorities.