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German language courses for students during summer holidays

About 2,100 new children and adolescents in Rhineland-Palatinate can attend German courses during these summer holidays as well.

Rheinland-Pfalz gives money for 217 German courses during the summer holidays.
Rheinland-Pfalz gives money for 217 German courses during the summer holidays.

Ministry for Education - German language courses for students during summer holidays

The Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry for Education is offering German courses again for pupils during these summer holidays. In total, 217 courses for approximately 2,100 children have been approved, including 123 at primary schools, 84 at secondary schools, and ten at vocational schools. The ministry announced this.

The target group for the language courses are mainly newly arrived children and adolescents. The focus is on oral communication, where current topics such as the Football European Championship are to be integrated. According to its own statements, the state government has made around 337,000 Euros available for the summer holiday language courses.

Children from various schools in Mainz and other regions of Rhineland-Palatinate can benefit from the German courses offered during their summer vacation. These courses, funded by the Ministry of Education, aim to help newly arrived children enhance their oral communication skills in German. The generous budget of around 337,000 Euros ensures that a wide range of German courses are available for approximately 2,100 children, some of whom will attend courses at primary, secondary, or vocational schools.

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