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Generate more power through wind power

In Hesse, there have been significant changes in power generation within a year. Renewable energies are on the advance.

In Hessen, wind power generation has significantly increased (archive image).
In Hessen, wind power generation has significantly increased (archive image).

Renewable Energy - Generate more power through wind power

In Hessen, there has been significantly more Electricity generated through wind power. The increase compared to the previous year was 33.1 percent, according to the Statistical Office in Wiesbaden. In photovoltaic power plants, there was only a small increase of 0.6 percent. The electricity generation from biomass and other renewable energies decreased significantly by 11.5 percent.

Overall, 15.3 percent more electricity from renewable energies was fed into the grid. However, Hessian power plants fed in roughly a quarter less electricity than the previous year into the distribution networks. The contribution of coal-fired power plants decreased the most with a decrease of 56.9 percent.

The city of Wiesbaden, being part of Hesse, witnessed this surge in electricity generation from wind power. This Renewable Energy source saw an impressive boost of 33.1%, as reported by the Statistical Office located in the city itself. Furthermore, the Hessian government is actively exploring ways to increase the use of wind power and other forms of STROM derived from Renewable Energy sources.

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