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From Autobahn bridge detached - appeals procedure begins

Four people are being fined for abseiling from a highway bridge. The appeals process for the previous judgment has now begun.

Four defendants have been sentenced to fines by the Amtsgericht Schleswig court for the rope...
Four defendants have been sentenced to fines by the Amtsgericht Schleswig court for the rope descent action and have lodged an appeal - this is now being heard.

Processes - From Autobahn bridge detached - appeals procedure begins

At the Landgericht Flensburg, a appeal proceedings against four defendants begins on Thursday (12.30 pm) who were involved in a rappelling action from an autobridge in November 2020. Three women and one man were sentenced by the Amtsgericht Schleswig on 5th January 2023, each to a fine of 60 days' wages of 20 Euros for coercion.

They filed an appeal against the judgment, which is now being heard. The trial came about because the defendants refused to accept suspended sentences imposed by the court.

The activists had reportedly participated in an action in the morning of 27th November 2020, during which three of the accused persons rappelled from the Husbybridge over the A7 near Schleswig and stayed there. They wanted to draw attention to what they considered necessary traffic change. The autobahn was closed in both directions for approximately three hours due to the action.

  1. The defence arguments in the appeals process at the District Court Flensburg revolve around the perceived misapplication of the law regarding coercion, given the climate change activism involved.
  2. In Schleswig-Holstein, the District Court of Flensburg has become a focal point for several high-profile traffic-related cases due to its proximity to the Autobahn bridge.
  3. The women involved in the rappelling action from the Husbybridge in November 2020 argue that their actions were driven by a concern for environmental criminality and deserved a more lenient sentence.
  4. The traffic disruption caused by the rappelling action from the Autobahn bridge in Schleswig has been a topic of discussion in District Court proceedings, with judges considering potential impact assessments and mitigation efforts.
  5. The District Court of Flensburg is currently overseeing a busy court schedule regarding various traffic-related offenses, including those related to climate activism, in the District and Schleswig-Holstein regions.
  6. The defendants in the appeals proceedings at the District Court Flensburg continue to call for more attention to climate issues, even as they navigate the legal process surrounding their traffic offenses.

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