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Friedrich-Jubilee brought many visitors to Greifswald

Caspar David Friedrich's birthday is turning 250. The jubilee year is a great fortune for his birthplace Greifswald.

Many people come to Greifswald because of the special exhibitions about the Romantic painter Caspar...
Many people come to Greifswald because of the special exhibitions about the Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich.

Jubilee year - Friedrich-Jubilee brought many visitors to Greifswald

This year's Caspar-David-Friedrich Jubilee has brought numerous additional guests to Greifswald as the birthplace of the great Romantic painter. "Caspar David Friedrich attracts people from all over Germany and the world to Greifswald," said Oberburgermeister Stefan Fassbinder (Greens) in a first balance for the Friedrich Year. The residents of the city have also warmly accepted the event program. Caspar David Friedrich's birthday (1774–1840) is turning 250 this year. Since the beginning of the Jubilee year, this has been commemorated with numerous events and special exhibitions.

Record visitor numbers at the Pommersche Landesmuseum

The Pommersche Landesmuseum, which owns some Friedrich paintings, is recording record numbers. Museum spokeswoman Julia Kruse spoke of a "phenomenal start to the Jubilee year." By the end of June, 29,000 people had visited the museum, which is three times as many as in the previous year. More visitors were counted in the first half of the year and before the start of the vacation season than in the entire previous year. "In the second half of the year, the numbers are expected to rise as planned, as we will still be showing two more special exhibitions by the end of the year," said Kruse confidently. The exhibition "Caspar David Friedrich. Longing Places" opened on August 18. The museum will then be open daily, even on Mondays, to accommodate the expected visitor surge. From mid-October, the exhibition "Caspar David Friedrich. Hometown" will be shown. Since the end of April, "Caspar David Friedrich. Lifelines" has been attracting visitors. The show includes 103 works, of which 61 are originals by Friedrich and 33 are works by his contemporaries.

Caspar-David-Friedrich-Center in Greifswald also sees more visitors

The Caspar-David-Friedrich Center in Greifswald also recorded significantly more visitors than usual. The Nationalparkzentrum Königsstuhl on the island of Rügen has once again proven to be a crowd puller. A special exhibition provides impressions from the inspiration source of Romanticism. The "Chalk Cliffs on Rügen" are among Friedrich's most famous works. The painting, which is now in Winterthur, Switzerland, will be on display for seven weeks from August in the Pommersche Landesmuseum and for the first time in Friedrich's homeland region.

Gastronomy and hotel industry also benefit from the Friedrich Jubilee

Hotels in Greifswald recorded 80,000 overnight stays from January to March, which was 8% more than in the previous year. The occupancy rate was higher than in comparable cities such as Stralsund or Wismar. "We can be very satisfied with the Caspar-David-Friedrich Jubilee so far. Greifswald is in the spotlight throughout Germany and beyond," said Oberburgermeister Fassbinder satisfied.

Jubilee exhibitions on Friedrich are popular nationwide

Jubilee exhibitions on Friedrich are popular attractions nationwide. In Hamburg, the works of the Romantic painter attracted around 335,000 people at the beginning of the year. The special exhibition "Endless Landscapes" in the Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin has been experiencing a real rush since its opening. It is expected that - due to the overwhelming response to the special exhibition - a new visitor record will be set for this year.

  1. Greifswald, being the birthplace of Caspar David Friedrich in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, has witnessed an influx of visitors during this anniversary year of his birth.
  2. The Pommersche Landesmuseum, known for its collection of Friedrich's paintings, has recorded an unprecedented number of visitors, with over 29,000 people visiting in the first half of the Jubilee year alone.
  3. The Caspar-David-Friedrich Center in Greifswald has also seen a significant increase in visitors, drawing in fans of the Romantic painter from far and wide.
  4. The gastronomy and hotel industry in Greifswald have benefited from the Caspar-David-Friedrich Jubilee, with over 80,000 overnight stays recorded in the first quarter of the year, an 8% increase over the previous year.
  5. Jubilee exhibitions on Friedrich have been popular attractions nationwide, with exhibitions in Hamburg and Berlin drawing record-breaking crowds and experiencing a surge of interest from visitors.

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