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Fraud with powers of refugees - Indictment

A man from Ukraine is said to have offered to help fellow countrymen as an interpreter. However, according to the prosecutors, he did not act selflessly.

A Ukrainian is suspected of defrauding the Jobcenter (photo symbol)
A Ukrainian is suspected of defrauding the Jobcenter (photo symbol)

Ukraine-War - Fraud with powers of refugees - Indictment

A 33-year-old man is accused of using the flight of compatriots from the Ukraine war to fraudulently claim benefits at the Jobcenter in the capital. Approximately 26,000 Euros are said to have been obtained unlawfully. The Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office has charged him with commercial fraud, as a spokesperson announced. The investigations are said to involve nine cases between May 2022 and September 2023.

According to the investigation, the Ukrainian man since May 2022 offered himself as a helper and interpreter for official procedures, especially at the Jobcenter. In some cases, he is also said to have received power of attorney in writing. His compatriots were often not aware of this due to their lack of language skills.

With these authorizations and sometimes forged rental agreements, he allegedly applied for housing subsidies for Ukrainian women and men - which he then transferred to his account or that of his mother, as stated.

The man's alleged actions led to an indictment from the Berlin Prosecutor's Office, citing numerous counts of commercial fraud. This criminality extended beyond one instance, as the investigations revealed nine cases spanning from May 2022 to September 2023.

The Ukrainian Labor Office has expressed concern over the impact of this fraud on their labor market, as it undermines the integrity of the system designed to support individuals in need. The case highlights the potential for exploitation and deceit in these circumstances, underscoring the need for increased vigilance and protection measures.

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