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Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences back online after hacking attack

The operation at the Frankfurt University was disrupted for several days. Now the university is back online - and thousands of passwords were exchanged.

After the hacking attack, new passwords were assigned to approximately 19,000 students, employees...
After the hacking attack, new passwords were assigned to approximately 19,000 students, employees and honorary professors of the university (pictogram).

Internet criminality - Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences back online after hacking attack

The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences is back online after a cyber attack on its IT systems. The separation of all university systems from the internet was lifted on a Wednesday, the university (FH) announced. New passwords have been issued for approximately 19,000 students, employees, and honorary professors. The FH's website is now available again, allowing students to access the learning platform and many online services of the library.

The FH became the target of a "serious cyber attack" on July 6, as they explained. It was reported that the university-IT had managed to bring essential systems back online within ten days. However, it is predicted that it will still take "some weeks" for normal operations to resume. During this time, emergency email addresses remain available.

  1. The cyber attack on the University's IT systems in Frankfurt am Main was classified as a form of Internet criminality, which is a significant concern in Hesse and beyond.
  2. Despite the hacking attack, the affected students at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences will need to use their new passwords to access online services, including the learning platform and electronic resources from the library.
  3. The hackers responsible for the university hacking attack in Frankfurt am Main demonstrated a disturbing level of Criminality, highlighting the need for robust cybersecurity measures in higher education institutions.
  4. The authorities in Frankfurt am Main and Hesse are investigating the hacking attack on the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences as a case of Internet criminality, with the aim of bringing those responsible to justice.

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